July 28 2023

103 4 4

I never actually updated after i went to the fair let me just say uhh we went on the ferris wheel and i got scared because there was a light that was hanging and flickering and even sparking.. so i got scared and said how i didint even wanna go on the ferris wheel at all, my parents said how i was ungrateful and i didint even mean to sound ungrateful i was just having a mental breakdown and so i went on instead and i cried and literally started pulling my hair out because i was scared when we got stuck at the top of the ferris wheel. but anyways i tried to act happy after that but then they were like « calm down » (like omg i was trying to be but you ruined it, thanks.) and then the rest of the day was fine i guess because after that i got ice cream and went home so it was ok!!! :')

I have not been able to find my bag with 100 dollars and my phone and im scared like what if someone stole it!!!!! And ive been panicking so much and been running around the house and been looking everywhere and i cant find it and im terrified because i cant find it and it has alotta valuable stuff and my notebook and badges and im scared!!! 

But atleast i found my cat masks and tail and my crystals :'D i swear i opened the suit case they were in before but i guess not.. :P 

I had a weird dream that i wrote down.. before i forgot it it doesnt have and grammar or punctuation tho so its hard to read uhhh let me know if you wanna hear about it :D

Thats all right now!!

~as swift as a panther,

as sly as a cat,

as strong as a wolf,

stuck in a human body till the sun sets, Ace~

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