Chapter 8 Metalic Clown

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(A/N:The characters of this story do not belong to me they belong to the creators of My Little Pony friendship is magic/Equestria girls and the plot of the episode of what's new scooby doo Metallic clown episode do not belong to me and I'm sorry this author note is long so please enjoy chapter 8)

(It was the beginning of February and the cmc mystery solvers were playing mini golf with there older sisters) Scootaloo:you got this Sweetie belle (Sweetie belle hit the golf ball in the hole a flag popped up) Sweetie Belle:ha third hole in one in a row Applebloom:okay how about we got to another hole (they went to the next hole as Sweetie belle belle screamed and ran behind Rarity they saw a fake clown obstacle) Applejack:whats the matter Rarity:Sweetie belle has a severe allergic reaction to clowns Scootaloo:oh yeah ever since that clown shredded her book for uh what's it called Applebloom:a paper blizzard
 Rarity:yeah who know a cool mom would hire would hate books that much (Scootaloo stepped up and was gonna put the ball but the ground shook the clown stood up laughing they screamed as it picked up gilfer and are him then burped) 
Sweetie belle:this is why I hate clowns (it left) Scootaloo:alright guess we have a mystery to solve 
Sweetie belle:no no I'm sorry but no I'm not solving this mystery 
Applebloom:why not
 Sweetie belle:because of the uh sheirff yeah he said were not allowed to 
Applejack:its alright to be scared 
Sweetie belle:no no I have gotten over my fear of clowns
 Rainbow:you literally jumped behind Rairity when you saw it Applebloom:let's split up before the sheirff gets here Applejack,Cooney and me will go and look around here while the four of you search where the clown went to (they split up) (with Applebloom) Applebloom:hey Applejack I have a question
 Applejack:and what's that sugarcube Applebloom:uh well do you think that Granny is hiding stuff from us 
Applejack:no why do you ask 
Applebloom:just asking (they walked up to an area when they heard shouts) Logan:im sorry but my whatever its called just got eaten by a metal clown (he was on the phone with someone) 
Logan:so there's no one to replace him 
(he hanged up and pointed at Applebloom) 
Logan:you your my new club holder Applebloom:wait what no no no Logan:you get paid Applebloom:then I change that no to a yes (he tossed her his club bag) Applebloom:see you guys later (they left) Applejack:thought she was better than that (Cooney nodded her head)
 (with Sweetie belle) (they were going to were the clown went to)
 Sweetie belle:uh girls how about me and Scootaloo go and uh look where the clown is least to show up wait I mean will probably show up 
Rarity:darling I'm not sure eating will solve your problems for you phobia Sweetie belle:what I'm not going to do that (she left quickly) Scootaloo:I'll keep an eye on her (she went after her) 
Rainbow:your sister is a bad liar Rarity:she's a good when when she has to be (with Scootaloo) (she was watching Sweetie belle eat ice cream at a table) Scootaloo:Sweetie belle you have to conquer your fear 
Sweetie belle:easy for yiu to say Scootaloo:Sweetie belle we have fought ghouls,ghost real I might add plus some old dude is trying to kill us so come on yiu can beat some metal ass clown 
Sweetie belle:yeah your right (the roof came off a d the clown laughed at them Sweetie belle screamed and ran with Scootaloo in a building) (with Applebloom) (they heard Sweetie Belle scream) Applebloom:that sounded like sweetie belle
 Applejack:come on (they went to the building abd net up with Rainbow dash and rarity) Rarity:I heard Sweetie belle scream Applebloom:yeah but were is she Applejack:Rainbow dash what are you standing on (Rainbow dash looked down abd saw two red shies) Rainbow:cool its probably one of those skateboard games (they looked up and the clown laughed) Rainbow:you know I'm lucky I didn't put any coins in him (they ran as it chased them) (time skip) (they all hid behind a pyramid and watch the clown go by) Sweetie Belle:okay clowns were just in my head till now (they saw Logan ho by holding a golf club) Applebloom:what is Logan doing here (they clown suddenly ate him they gasp) Scootaloo:guess we can ruek him out as a suspect (the clown turned to them) Sweetie belle:shit (they ran and soon had lost the clown) Scootaloo:okay we need to trap that clown Rarity:how though darling we have no net's Applebloom:actually (Applebloom and Cooney left and came back with nets) Applebloom:never leave home without a net Rainbow:don't we need bait Sweetie belle:oh hell no I'm not doing it and either is Cooney Scootaloo:fine i guess you won't get your valentines present early then Sweetie belle:wait you git me something Scootaloo:yep and you won't get it if you don't do this (sweetie belle sigh and get in a golf car) Sweetie Belle:come on Cooney (Cooney ran side as they drove off) Scootaloo:okay let's set up this trap (time skip they had set up the trap) (with Sweetie belle) (she and Cooney were parked waiting for the clown) Sweetie belle:maybe it git bored and left (Cooney beeped the horn) Sweetie belle:don't fucking do that (the clown stood up) Sweetie belle:crap crap (they drive with the clown chasing them) (with Scootaloo) (they had drove up with the clown stopping too as Scootaloo hit the ball but completely missing) Scootaloo:crap how the hell did i miss that (the clown picked Scootaloo and ate her then burped and started laughing) Sweetie belle:no no no one eats my girlfriend (she knocked down the clown as it spark and its stomached opened letting Scootaloo come out) Scootaloo:no wonder why your afraid of clowns Applejack:Sweetie belle I think yiu just conquered your fear Sweetie belle:yep bow let's see who this clown really is (she opened the mouth mouth with the golf club revealing) Them:Logan Palermo Applebloom:I knew it he wantd to win the mini golf tournament Rainbow:and by kidnapping the other competitors he'll be sure to win Applebloom:including his golfer so he didn't become a suspect Logan:abd i would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that racoon (time skip the police were taking Logan in custody and releasing the kidnappers) Applebloom:girls I think we should run Scootaloo:why (she pointed at the sheriff talking to someone) Sweetie belle:shit (they had ran in the van and drove off) (with the sheriff) (the sheirff was now at home in a basement going over a board with pictures on it as someone came downstair) Rainbow:dad mom said its time for dinner Sheirff:okay pumpkin I'll be right up (Rainbow dash went back up as he pinned a picture of the cmc mystery solvers) Sheirff:I know that there involved somehow (he shut off the lights and went upstairs).

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