Chapter 15 Dark Day Part 1

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(A/N:The characters of this story do not belong to me they belong to the creators of My Little Pony friendship is magic/Equestria girls and scooby doo and Yokia watch 1,2, and 3 plus the anime do not belong to me they belong to their rightful creator or creators so please enjoy chapter 15)

(It was two weeks before the end of the school year and the cmc mystery solvers are in Applebloom room) Scootaloo:soo two weeks before school ends and were trying to solve a mystery 
Sweetie belle:yes 
Scootaloo:but we should be celebrating Applebloom:yeah when we figure out why Marrow would help my parents Sweetie belle:abd why you haven't told your family about this 
Applebloom:I'll tell them soon 
Scootaloo:soon better be now or next week (there was a bright blue light as skull appared) Skull:girls were are they Applebloom:where what skull 
Skull:the rainbow stones Sweetie belle:I hid them are you still working for Dinsdale Skull:look we need to leave Scootaloo:why whats happening 
Skull:Dame Deadtime thats what happening haven't you seen outside (he pulled up the blonds as the girls saw dark clouds)  Applebloom:you sure it isn't Dinsdale Skull:no I'm sure (Applebloom tv turned on automatically) Dame Deadtime:Applebloom its good to see you again 
Applebloom:what do you want
 Dame Deadtime:if you want to know that ho through the portal (a portal opened) Dame Deadtime:you have 2 minutes to decide (the TV turned off) Scootaloo:trap
 Skull:definitely a trap (Cooney looked at Applebloom shaking her head no) Applebloom:im going Sweetie belle:no Applebloom there right it may be a trap Applebloom:I'll just have to take that chance (she went through the portal as it clsoed the door slammed opened) Applejack:where did Applebloom just go Sweetie belle:we don't know but I think I know where to look (they were gonna leave but was stopped by Applejack) Applejack:ya'll better tell me whats going on and it better be the truth Scootaloo:okay but on the way besides you deserve to know too (they left) (with Applebloom) (Applebloom had stepped onto a black platform to see a mix of purple and red cystals and Dame Deadtime standing there) Dame Deadtime:so you do want to know the truth Applebloom:yeah tell me why are you collecting the rainbow stones and why are you always after us 
Dame Deadtime:simple it was 30 years ago before I became a yokia (flash back 30 years ago) (a young Dame Deadtime had a bunch of files while walking with Dinsdale) Dame:sir if we don't cancel the project people will get hurt and the rainbow stones are becoming unstable soon it might be catastrophic Dinsdale:I'm the lead scientist i think I know what I'm doing Dame (they had walked into a room that had a one side window) Dinsdale:begin test alpha (one scientists had pushed a button as a rainbow stone turned purple as it started to form a monster like thing that was purple skin and grey and red armor on it raored as a sword appeared and stabbed the glass window) Dinsdale:perfect (the glass shattered as a portal opened it grabbed Dame and took her into the portal) Dinsdale:get me another scientist
 (in the asttal plane) Dame:where am I (sge saw red cystals everywhere) 
Dame:Dinsdale I will have my revenge (she got turned into a yokia)
 Dame Deadtime:da da DAAAAAA 
(in the present) 
Dame Deadtime:ever since that day I became a yokia i want nothing more but vengeance 
Applebloom:but vengeance isn't everything sure Dinsdale an ass but you don't have to destroy everyone to get your revenge
 Dame Deadtime:if that what it takes to get my revenge (she glew dark purple abd was transformed in a monster with snakes in her hair,a snake body was wrapped around her with blue frames and two wings in her hair and was floating) Dame Deadtime:if I have to destroy you to get my revenge then so by it da da DAAAAAAA (the platform shook) (with Sweetie belle) Applebloom:so Applebloom knew what happened to our parents for how long 
Skull:a while
 Scootaloo:she didn't want you to worry thats all Applejack (a silver cystal formed in front of the van as Sweetie belle slammed on the breaks stopping the van before it hit it) Scootaloo:what the heck (they got out of the van to see gold and silver) Scootaloo:its yiu guys Silver;sorry but we can't let yiu interfere with Dame Deadtime plans Sweetie belle:sorry but we have to (they blasted a blast together and sent a mega blast at them but skull jumped in front of them) 
Sweetie belle:skull (his robot suit was destroyed as he fell to the ground) Skull:darn it i liked that suit (Cooney went to help him) 
Applejack:we better go like now (they fired multiple blast but was blocked by Sweetie belle astral shield as Scootaloo shot through it with her astral gun shooting a pendant around gold neck) Gold:oh crud (she vanished) Scootaloo:oh crap did I kill her Silver:no but you sent her back to the yokia relam you fool (she was gonna fire again but a bolder slammed into her Sweetie belle and Scootaloo saw Applejack getting the dirt off her hands) Applejack:there that'll do
 (silver got up and glared at them vanishing)  Scootaloo:we have to get going 
(with Applebloom) (Applebloom kept running while dodging purple fire blast) Applebloom:stop let's talk about this (she did a barrel roll to dodge a fire blast) 
Dame Deadtime:why all I want is my revenge but yuh keep getting in my way (she made a giant purple fire ball and sent it at her sge closed her eyes preparing for pain but it she felt none as she opened her eyes she saw Marrow blocking the fire blast)
 Marrow:you alright 
Applebloom:why did you save me Marrow:you saw the video so you know why
Dame Deadtime:you traitor yiu dare to betray me Marrow:look I want revenge against Dinsdale as much as you but destroying everything us going too far (she sent her snake hat them as they blocked it with there weapons) Dame Deadtime:yiu will pay for your betrayal (the snake grabbed Applebloom abd threw her onto another platform as a portal opened then sweetie belle,Scootaloo,Applejack,skull and Cooney rushed towards her) Applejack:Applebloom are you alright 
Applebloom:yeah I'm fine but Dame Deadtime is unstoppable Sweetie belle:what about that connecting the snakes to her hair Scootaloo:yeah if we get it off we might be able to stop her 
Sweetie belle:alright Applebloom abd me will distract her long enough for you to shoot it off her Scootaloo:whatvif I miss 
Sweetie belle:you won't I know yiu won't (they ran towards Dame Deadtime as Scootaloo made a sniper rifle appear) 
(with Applebloom) (she attached chains to Dame Deadtime hands) Dame Deadtime:you (she shot fire at her but was stopped by Marrow sword) Marrow:hope you girls have a plan Sweetie belle:we do duck (with Scootaloo) (Scootaloo saw them duck abd shot at Dame Deadtime shooting off her comb) Applejack:Scootaloo you dud it (with Applebloom) Dame Deadtime:NOOOOOO (she was turned back to her other self) Dame Deadtime:what have you done
 Sweetie belle:stopped you from destroying everything Dame Deadtime:you'll pay for meddling in my plans (a bullet was shot at her as Scootaloo,skull,Applejack and Cooney rushed over) 
Scootaloo:stop don't yuu see that revenge isn't the answer sjiw her skull (skull eyes light up as images of the dark clouds shooting dark cystals at the city) Applejack:if yiu keep doing this the whole world will be nothing but dark cystal
 Applebloom:would the old Dame would want thus Dame Deadtime:no she wouldn't (sge fell go her knees) Dame Deadtime:thank you for stopping me cmc mystery solvers thank you (she vanished in a bright light as everything back in Canterlot returned to normal Marrow vanished as well) Scootaloo:where did Marrow go Applebloom:probably left Applejack:Applebloom you have a lot of explaining to do (they had stated walking) 
(at the van) Applebloom:i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner
 Applejack:its alright I would've done the same Scootaloo:so one question what about Dinsdale Sweetie belle:well deal with him another day (she had opened the back of the van as they gasped to see Marrow sitting there bleeding from his head)
 Marrow:girls I'm glad to see you cause Dinsdale must be stopped (to be continued).

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