Chapter 1

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10 years ago, my dad and mother built a zoo but didn’t
finish it only with six species in the park, the reason they didn’t finish their dream is that they never came back from their last mission brining back another prehistoric animal I don’t know if their die or alive but now me and their team take care of the park building new enclosure and taking on new missions with the help of my team, my name is Elizabeth and this is my story.

Chapter 1

I woke up to begin my normal day at the park, my family parks contain both past and present creatures, I don’t wash up when I wake up since I know I'm going to get dirty anyway, I live with two close friends not too far from the park they both work there with me. The house is for anyone to stay in but we also have visitor rooms with beds, showers, and a kitchen just in case someone is too sleepy to drive home. We usually all wake up at the same time but today I left early to get a head start on things, I jump into my golf cart and drove around the first enclosure, the desert plans with protoceratops, lizards and two rattlesnakes name crystal and diamond, the protoceratops have been mating were just waiting for them to build a nest, I clean their enclosure and change their bedding before getting chased out by the male.

The next enclosure was to the watering hole to check the gallimimus, we have four females and two males, they lay eggs but we take some of them and feed them to the Nile monitors to not overcrowd the enclosures. The gallimimus have a diet of grass, insects and ostrich's pellets, they will soon be having six more species in the enclosure since it's about the same size of the San Diego safari park which is 1,800 acres. I move on to the next exhibit with my three stegosaurus and my five dryosaurus, I might add either brachiosaurus or camarasaurus but the exhibit is not that big plus I plan on breeding my stegosaurus and the dryosaurus already started laying eggs.

The fourth exhibit is my two beautiful allosaurus, both a dull brownish colors with the male having black stripes. They get fed two fatty bulls twice a day each, they have to run to kill their meal for exercise, the male is next to the female with a barrier in between them but will be together during the mating season.

The next stop was the redwood forest, I stop to feed the peafowl and the waterfowl, I usually let them fly around to fed in the watering hole eating snails, fish, seeds, grains and insects. The redwood forest is full of giant trees hiding places for the terror birds sharing their big enclosures with lizards, birds, snakes, frogs, rabbits, rats and bugs, the redwoods is an indoor exhibit containing four other species in different exhibits, boars, red tail deer, red fox and two Bengal tigers. We feed our terror birds two boars a day since they have small meals running around them every day, continuing on the next enclosures is the toxodon enclosures sharing with hippopotamus and fish in the large swampy pond. A toxodon is a large body hoofed mammal weighting more than a ton and is similar to the size of the American bison or the black African rhino.

They get fed fruits, veggies and the green grass that grows in their encloses, we did have crocodiles in the same exhibit but they were attacking the babies and so we had to separate them, these exhibits were all made by my father and mother and their team, now it's my turn in 2020 to make the best safest beautiful enclosures for the upcoming animals
Today was my first mission, so i washed up, put on my work uniform and shoes, and mat up with Joshua. He controlled the portal and does/ makes technology for the park and mission. The mission I was going on was to the cretaceous period  to rescue five parasaurolophus, four lambeosaurus, four corythosaurus and six triceratops then once these are rescued, my team and I have to build a sauropod exhibit that can hold six giant and five ouranosaurus into their exhibit, if I come across anything I want or must have I will get it. The park is always open, We never close tickets are 100 each but gets cut down on Fridays and Saturdays. I put my flashlight, binoculars in my bag and walked downstairs to the portal room, I mat up with the team and everyone was ready, my team Jeff, vet, Tiffany and Brad are my zoologist and biologist, Lenny a trained solider and Teresa a environmentalists. “you guys ready"
“Hell yeah", Jeff yelled
Joshua counted down given us notice, he was about to open it and we ran in. The way this works out is he opens the portal we go in then the portal is closed. Once the creature is found we signal to him using a phone he redesign into a Morse code phone, we then lure the creature in by scaring or feeding it till its in then trap the creature into a checkup pen for give medicine containing all diseases in one shot then gets release in its enclosure. 77 million years ago we arrived “Canada"

“no, North America"

when we entered, we came across two big male triceratops usually its one male and a herd of females but I’m guessing one of these big boys wants the herd for himself. We watched the huge beautiful creatures in front of us with their long sharp horns, thick scaly body and aggressive attitude until the younger male backed down and ran away, we was about to follow the big old male to the herd till we heard a loud mellow cry coming from the other side of the forest , so we walked towards the sound, taking in the beautiful surroundings until we came across some pachycephalosaurus and of course I was going to bring these home, it was only five the perfect amount, the team being very quiet snuck behind them since the leader kept lifting his head up, they waited for my command, I signal Joshua to open the portal and I counted holding my hand up slowly behind a bush “5, 4 ,3 ,2, 1 go", the team ran behind them scaring the herd into the portal but the male stood his ground,  he marked his territory and started doing a law bellow, we ran away behind a tree and when he knew it was safe he ran right in after his herd of females. I signal Josh to close the portal and now it was the park team job to take care of them.. one species down four more to go for today, even though I didn’t have plans for that creature but the more the better.

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