Chapter 2

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We finished heading towards the other side of the forest and seen the herd of triceratops and the big male also seeing a herd of parasaurs and corythosaurus but no lambeosaurus, so we had to change the species list and I seen a ankylosaur, it looked to either be a polacanthus or Edmontonia but my hint it was a Edmontonia since polacanthus is known to live in England . I didn’t want my triks in the some enclosures as the others so I decided to tell Josh to open two portals, thank god for two nursing exhibit my father and mother built, “so what’s the plan",

“the plan is to lead the hadrosaurs in one portal and trikes into the other”

“What about the male?"

“he will most likely try to fight the portal or just run right after his herd”

“Hope this works."

“Same but trust me, it should."

“OK, let’s do this,"

“Here we go", me and three others spooked the herd of hadrosaurs with a loud raptor noise running towards them with the edmantonia right behind them since we had to lure her in with branches and fruit, Teresa signaled Josh to close the first portal and now it was for the triks even though big and aggressive they can still be somewhat spooked, if the lead female moves the rest of the females will follow but how do you get a 4 to 8 ton of aggression with children who will protect at any cost.
“first idea, food and lead them in or two spook them from the back"

“let’s do the first one, and if it doesn’t work, then the other idea is a go."

“make sure all sounds are off or on silent." I called Josh to get him to collect a big bucket of veggies and fruit, “why",

“you’ll see,"

“2 minutes later him and 20 other workers ran out the portal with 6 buckets full and we just laid them out in a thick line leading into the portal and we just waited , waited and waited took about 3 hours of waiting for the lead female baby to make the first move and ran into the portal being led by Josh until a loud baby squeal signaled the herd and they ran in, “Josh what did you do",

“I just picked the thing up,"

“And why”

“it was cute, and it's getting crowded in here,"

“Just released them, then I'll shoot them when I come back,"

“what exhibit”

“put them in the packyrhinosaurus exhibit”

“Ok" “thanks our next stop is Africa 125 million years ago”

“Setting coordinate now," the portal opened, and we hurried up and ran in right into a muddy swamp

“Alright you guys, last mission of the day, and do anyone have boots?" we walked, feeling my socks get wet and bugs bite and swarm around us.

We came upon a big water source were we seen a nigersaurus, paralitatain, a pair of Rugops and a couple of small like crocodiles and alligators but still didn’t see no ouranosaurus, we finished walking but I thought about getting a nigersaurus but it still cane back to the question would it be enough space, it was only six of them at the watering hole but had to say no for now and we kept walking.

We walked across the swampy River walked through dried up plans and river banks until we reached a small forest and finally seen the herd of ouranosaurus “Finally”, then the herd started to ran right towards us meaning we spooked them or something bigger spooked them, I hurried up and signaled Joshua to open a portal for they could ran right in making our job easier and quicker. I looked behind them and seen two carchcordontosaururs meaning “shark tooth lizard”, running after them, one of the ouranosaurus was falling behind and they started biting the poor ouranosaurus till blood lost, we didn’t watch the final kill and we ran in after the herd. We went back to the park and I grabbed Vincent and my gun and I shot five and he shot four then we release them into their exhibit, the last thing we had to do was vaccinate the three herds trikes, hadrosaurs and packys. It was a lot of work, but I had my team with them it was no issue, I loved them all the new and the old cause we always got things done.

I really didn't want to but I had to count and see how many they are and if the herd had youngsters, took about 30 minutes to shot all of them then release them into the watering hole exhibit, the triceratops were going on the left side of the park but if we shot one and spook them to much it could be dangerous for the babies so I just went to their herbivore feeder and put there medicine inside there, problem is we are not gone know who got the medication and who didn't,

"Why don't we put it in the water?"

"It's the same thing with the water, and I don't want to put it in the whole pond cause then it's going to kill the food the little fishes and wild birds eat."

"guess we just have to shoot them one by one and pray they don't trample the babies."

"they won't,"

"they will, hippos and elephants do it,"

"Do you want to do it when they are sleeping?"

"Will it work?"

"Only one way to find out."

We put the guns up, played some games, ate dinner and waited till they all went to sleep, to give them their vaccine, this usually doesn't work with elephants or the hippos but i shot my first shot and landed on one, 1 down, 5 more to go. I'm going to feed the 4 babies tomorrow with their medicine in it, i finished up shooting them all before making sure all the enclosure are secure and animals are sleep and comfortable even though the male triceratops kept running into a tree, he should tire himself out. I got inside and planned my next trip, I sat down at my desk and thought to myself,
"ok I have three enclosure empty, no new enclosure built yet, I have 1 spot left in the watering hole that can be filled, in the indoor exhibit will be some type of raptor, then the swampy wetlands will be for either suchiomimus or spinosaurus obviously and my nest grounds will be for my maiasaura and edmontosaurus since it has a river, two grazing grounds plus a gate that goes into the watering hole making the watering hole and nest ground the biggest exhibit in the park but i wanted my team to get started on the sauropod exhibit and my prehistoric animal exhibit but those is up for discussion for tomorrow. Most likely, my sauropod exhibit will be the biggest exhibit in the zoo. The second is the watering hole nesting grounds, and then the last will be the savanna prehistoric animal exhibit. Owning a park was harder then my parents made it but they would argue and disagree about some things sometimes making me mother leave to stay with my auntie, her sister or she would come sleep in the tree house we built when I was eleven.

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