Chapter one: Meeting Vacation Bot

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I went to the hotel and checked into the suite. I got into the elevator to my room, as the elevator was going I was getting nervous. Is someone gonna greet me? Are they actually nice? Was this a mistake? I probably should have just stayed home. The elevator jerked to a stop at my floor. The elevator doors opened to my suite. Next thing I saw shocked me, a robot staring at me with its orange screen and white body. Along with a green-blue button up shirt and red bowtie and tag that says "vacation bot". Along with multiple badges, one with a mountain, a sun, a beach, and a forest. They also had a red flag on top of their head. " hello human" the bot said. "I'm vacation bot, welcome to your suite! " they said in a happy tone. They seemed very nice, that gives me hope for anyone else I meet on the island.

"Let me teach you how to talk to the other bots around here." "Sounds great" I say with a enthusiastic voice. "To talk to a bot just wave in their direction. Try it now." Their screen shows a waving hand, I wave at them. "Good job human, your gonna do great here! Go ahead and go into your suite!" They said with their high pitched voice. I go into my room and I see a area with a tv with a red rug in front of it, next to it two doors to go outside, next to that an area with a computer, phone, and fridge. There's also a bathroom and a bedroom. There are also multiple plants around the room. In the middle of the room is a rug. I take a step onto the rug and vacation bot continues to greet me.

"before we continue, let me give you this human storage device" the orange screened bot hands me a back pack. "I think they call it a..back pack" the back pack had a donut inside. I take out the donut and eat it, then put the back pack on. "feel free to take a look around your room!" says vacation bot. "thanks a lot vacation bot" I say with a smile. "of course!" they say, their pixelated mouth smiles back at me. i start looking around my room, I go into the bathroom on my left. "you can be the you, you see in yourself, human" the screened bot says in a calming and smooth voice. I smile at them then looked in the mirror, behind me are two inverted posters that say "smile! your on vacation!" and "vacation is time for reflection"

after around five minutes, I got a visor and colored it my favorite color I messed with my hair, hair color and stuff with the dials and selections on the blue-green counter. I took five seconds to just look around the bathroom for anything else interesting. after not finding anything besides a bathtub, and a scary scale, I left the bathroom into the main room with vacation bot. "looking good human!" the bot says. "thank you, vacation bot." we gave each other one last smile then I headed into the room on my right. the room had a sign on it like the bathroom, it says "the bedroom" in a nice font.

I go inside the bedroom, there's a bed with a blue and yellow cover on it along with two yellow and extra pillows. above the bed on the wall is a shelf with a sleeping mask and an alarm clock. next to me on my left is some sort of closet. there is also a blue rug that your step on when you enter the room.. i go over to the closet, there's two sides in it. a part where you can choose a type of shirt with a mountain, forest, and beach theme to them. along with a dial to change the color. i go ahead and choose my shirt and pick my favorite color for it, it also matches my visor. there is a mirror which can slide, i take a look in it and i look..well not bad. I slide the mirror over to the left and behind it was some time of storage department so if there is no more room in my back pack i can put stuff in there instead. i then exit the bedroom, shutting the door behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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