chapter 1

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Writer's note- Thankyou for loving my previous works. This is my 4th writing. I hove you will love this one also. Guys please ignore any mistake in grammar and spellings. Any type of comments is welcomed here. Love Zeenunew.

Sometime what people expected that not happened in real life and a new , unexpected things happened , which make ups and downs in our Life.
A groom in wheel chair was waiting for his fiancee, but it becomes more than an hour but the Fiancee didn't came. Everyone had Lunch and started going but the groom is confident that his Bride will surely come. Sun started to set, but the Bride didn't came yet. The wheel chair groom asked for a microphone and announce that... Anyone from the hall can become his Bride or groom but in one condition. The condition is that after 1year they have to divorce. Although the groom is in wheel chair but he is the richest Doctor of Thailand. Everyone wanted to marry him but who will marry for only 1year. Finally he got disappointed that even after he humiliated himself and announce the marriage No one came.
Suddenly a 22year old boy Stand up and agreed to marry him. They married at the same hall and went to their home. and had a happy life ahead.. story ended...No..No..Now The story begins...

6 months before....

There was a egoistic,rude and Rich Doctor whose name is ZEE PRUK. He is the best doctor in whole Thailand. He worked in his big hospital,which is world famous. He only treat patients when they paid fully otherwise he reffer them to other Hospitals. That's why everyone hate him. But he is handsome and rich so young girl and boys loved him.
One day a Nurse came to the cafeteria, Where he asked Zee to meet in private. Zee got know her intentions and started insulting her.
Zee- Why, are you going to propose me??ha ha ha.. did you ever seen your face in mirror. In what point you match with me. Miss nurse do you even know my one day earnings, it will be your whole year salary. Ohh.. something is sparkling, your braces teeth is beautiful, (everyone there started laughing). i like your healthy body(in a sarcastic way)..(the nurses is little bit fat)...Are you feeling sad..Ok for one day i can be your lover.
The Nurse started crying and finaly she broke her silence and said.
Nurse- Mr.pruk, Yes i am not rich and beautiful like you but i had a real heart,but i don't think you deserve it. One day you will feel hell only for your body whom you are proud now. And you will beg for love. You will feel useless of this Money, Which are showing off now. I wish you will feel longing for your loved one(crying). If such a scrondrol like you, will be in bed even for one day i will vomit in that Bed. (Got angry and went from that place).
Zee smirked and gone to club with his friends.
Max(Zee's friends)- You are a doctor and drinking...
Zee-Why doctor should not live or what, listen i am on my leave so i can do whatever i have to.
Max- Listen, call for a driver, you can't drive in drinking.
Zee-Ohh common, I didn't got drunk yet ,i can drive.
Max- Be careful. And call me when you will reach home.
Zee- Why , Do you wanna Dirty talk or what??
Max- Enough Zee , go home.
Zee in his Car, Suddenly he felt that the brake is not working. So he wanted to jump from the Car, but he is feeling Dizzy and can't understand what to do. The last think he saw that the car is not in the rode, he can feel that the car is running in a ditch with High speed and about to crashed.
After 4days Zee open his eyes slowly, he saw his Aunty(Sister of Zee's father), his secretary and relieved that he is alive. But when he try to Stand up , he felt that his leg is not moving.
Poppy- Boss,, sorry to say that you can't walk ,your...hand and leg...
Zee-What happened to them ??..
His Aunty- Your leg and hand are paralyzed my son.
Zee (Shocked)- can't could this happened, what i m gonna do now...
Zee struggle to stand up but he couldn't move. He was like a statue with head and mouth moving. He shouted with frustration. Everyone calming him down but, he is unstable on that situations. He called all his doctor friends to cure him but everyone said that he can't be cure. He was hospitalized for a period of time. Finally He is discharged from medical, he will be take his treatment from home. His fiancee KATE Came to take him to home. Kate is his aunt's daughter.
Kate- I am waiting for you. I have a surprise for you . Let's go home. Kate and His Aunty (Kate's mother) and Zee lived in same house from childhood.
When Zee came home Kate announced the marriage date of his and kate and Zee become very happy.
Zee with a emotional voice-Kate i will be always grateful to you,eventhough i am unable to give what you should get from any marraige. I really love you. I will be in your hand Please take care of me.
Kate and his Mother laughed in there room.

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