chapter 5

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After 6 months of the accident...Means after the marriage of Zee with his new groom. that is Present day....
Zee and that Hoodie boy at Zee's room. There is a uncomfortable situation between them .
Zee-Ummm (in lower voice). Wha..t is..y..our
Hoodie boy - Are you kidding me..We signed marriage certificate but you didn't see that. ha ha ha...Mr. Zee my name is NUNEW..WANG..
Zee attentively recalling his name. He saw that Nunew is searching for anything. can bring your luggage tomorrow, it's late you should rest.
Nunew- No i am searching for place to sleep., yess married couples sleep in same bed .
Zee Shouted- Stop right there don't go near my bed, you are not allowed to that and listen (in a serious tone) , yess we are married but don't expect much from me. Tomorrow i will give your money you can go your home.
Nunew- What..(irritated voice) you ...Then why did you marry me if you wanted to go me my home . And who wants your money.
Zee (In a hesitate voice)- There was lot's of media and people came, if  i was unmarried then  my Doctor image would be hamper. And i wanted sometime to find my Fiancee, So i did an agreement for one year.
Nunew (in a frustrated voice come near Zee's face)- You ... Gorilla, used me as  all your cover up.
Zee- Go..ri..lla.. ha ha..See i will give your money. You can use guest house now.
Nunew- I will think about it. I will be on couch now, sleep you Donkey..
Zee- What! Donkey...( Smile in a surprised way. )
Next day Zee wakes up and search for his young Husband. Nunew came and asked for helping him to wakes up. Zee refuged him . So Nunew saw a person came to his room. Zee told Nunew to leave him for a moment. Nunew was roaming in house and suddenly A middle aged lady stop him.
Aunty(In a attitude voice)- I am Zee's aunty.
Nunew-I know about you mam. You also mother of his run away bride.. Am i right.
Aunty- Behave, You only come today and taunting me . You don't even know my power. After Zee i will inherit his property. And my daughter will come one day and you can't give him a offsprings.
Nunew- Yess i can't give him a offsprings but surrogacy can give him, and.... About property... (Smirked)i don't wanted to inherit that i will named all in my name one day..and....(A sound came from Zee's bed room).
Nunew run to his room. Saw that Zee is bleeding from head. Nunew run towards him and hold the wound by his hand to Stop the blood.
Zee- It's okay, leave me. It just a little accident.
Nunew- How did it's a little accident you are bleeding. and there are two helpers, how did you hurt your head.
Zee shake his head to avoid Nunew's hold. Nunew got angry and left him and gone to his work. For almost 2 Days Zee and Nunew didn't talk with eachother.
At night Nunew was studying ,Zee saw that and Called his name.Nunew came and stand near him with a sulking face .
Zee- Can you give me that medicine.
Nunew gave his wanted medicine and about to go.Nunew come back and said he will leave tomorrow.
Zee- Can i ask you why you wanted to marry me? It's totally a non beneficial deal for you, you even don't want Money.
Nunew with an attentive manners- Do you want to listen truth or the false.
Zee didn't understand his sentences, in a way he is looking like serious mode but in a funny sentence. He thought he was just joking, so said he wanted to listen the false reason.
Nunew- okk, I am engineering  student, i wanted a room and i saw it's a great deal to live here without giving rent. Also you are safe for me.So..
Zee- Ha ha ha...oh my god..ha ha ha.. (Laughed loudly).. Really.. really you marry me for your home rent and shelter. Oh my god after decades i laughed this much. NUNEW you're realy a funny guy...
Nunew (pout face)- Don't laugh, how will you know the struggle of a student who is far from his home..And i got a room for myself so i will leave as soon as possible.
Zee- Ohh that's why you are busy some day. Mr. Nunew wang , you can live here if you feel comfortable ,as many as day you wanted.
Nunew blink his eyes almost 6-7 time countinously - Really...i can stay here. Then can i stay in your room? i need less space.
Zee -Yess, But please give me my space when will i say.
Nunew happily agree with him. Both slept in respective bed.
At early morning Nunew was studying ,he hear a sound in direction from Zee's bed. Actually Zee's living room is really big and Nunew was little far from his bed so he come closer to him and saw that Zee is trembling.
Nunew immediately checked him. He got panicked to know that Zee is having a heavy fever. Nunew call an ambulance immediately..
Zee in a shaking voice- Don't have to take me to hospital, i am okey, i will be fine after taking some pain killer.
Nunew put wet clothes on Zee's forehead.
Nunew- Are you out of your mind ,in such conditions you are taking that much amount of pain killers, it's not a flu fever i think you are having an any issues. Let's go to medical.
Zee was taken to Hospital after treatment he was tested as urine infection. Doctors told that he is living in less hydration, foods are not properly taken and his bladder is stated infecting and i think he is having a toilet problem. Nunew was shocked to know all of this.
After examination both came to home. Nunew Helping Zee with exchanging his clothes.
Nunew- Tell me , are they really taking care you.(Nunew saw different types of would on his body ) What is his Mr.Zee!
Zee try to changes the topic- Ooo Sometimes i slipped did you know about my medicine properly and about the infection...
Nunew- I will tell you later, First tell me what are those wounds.....(someone knocked the door)
Aunty came to room so Nunew had gone from Zee's room.
Nunew came with food for Zee. Zee was silent.
Nunew- First we eat all the food, then the medicine then you will..(.Zee interruptped him)
Zee- Where is the worker Nunew. Why you are bringing the food.
Nunew (excitedly)- I told him to leave, from now i will help you .
Zee in angry voice- Why..who told you that..Who.. told.. you.. that..What are you thinking about yourself.hunn..yes i sympathized you and gave you the room that doesn't mean you will ordered me and power over me.
Nunew also got angry and put the food plate in table and come near Zee and give a sarcastic smile and suddenly change his face to fierce cat.
Nunew point Zee with Spoon- Listen Mr. Zee i am your husband, i can do whatever i want ( and put a grape in his mouth) And like a kid you have to obey me. Otherwise...
Zee little tilted his head and said- Otherswise ...what.. Otherswise, what will you do..
Nunew take his face near Zee and saw him with flirting eyes and teased him by rubbing his nose with Zee's nose.There a tension creates between them at that moment.
Nunew- Otherwise...i will kiss you.
Zee swallow his saliva and blinked his eyes and Look towards food.
Zee- Aow....i like that porridge..can you feed me.
Nunew Feed him and started rubbing and patting his back.
Zee smile and asked- What are you doing.
Nunew in a confused face- Why are you not burping?..
Zee Laughed and said- Ooo..that worked in infants..i am a ...uddd.(burping sound)
Both laughed for a moment. Then Nunew
Sat  knee down near Zee and hold his hands. Zee was looking at him.
Nunew- Can you please accept me as your husband? Hummn...can you...?
Zee sad voice- What about after one year??
Nunew hold his cheek and said- Don't think about future,live for you present and where is happiness found...Do you wanna try ?
Zee thought for sometimes and said ...

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