Act One: The Magician - Chapter Five

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Author's Note

(This chapter is potentially triggering for the same reasons of last chapter, though a far less graphic or hands on experience with it. There is also some very consensual smut at the start of the chapter. So be prepared.)


A fire roared comfortingly in a stone hearth. It's flame flickering out steadily as colorful embers of blue, purple, red, yellow, and green sputtered softly against the logs crackling under its warmth. Small trinkets decorated the mantle. Each carved delicatly from wood and resembling a wolf either in rest, standing, or howling towards an unseen moon. They were unpainted yet beautiful all the same. Their lifeless eyes watching and waiting as if prepared to come to life the moment their creater called. Set out by the fire was a rug made of fur and hide. The head of a wolf propped up at the end with its teeth exposed and eye sockets empty like a morbid reminder of death and ones final hunt. At the moment though, the stuffed beast was concealed under loose clothing that had been thrown without a care. As well as the press of two goose pebbled bodies that sought out each others warmth desperately.

The sound of growls, moans, and skin against skin echoed in the air quietly, subdued from the way spit slicked lips clashed together hard enough to draw out blood and send a taste of metal coursing on the others tongue. Hands, one set small and chubby and the other long and crooked, grasped tightly to whatever piece of flesh that they could hold on to but only one left any marks behind due to the elongated claws at the tips of their fingers. Trails of bloody scratches decorated ribs and thighs from those hands punishing yet pleasurable grip. And hips bucked wildly without rythem as the larger of the two pinned the smaller to the soft furs with their ankles locked firmly at the small of their back and their arms tightly clinging around their neck like a lifeline. Holding on so tight as the thick length of the bigger ones cock pummeled their insides and bit at their lips possessively. Fangs digging in and threatening to rip the plush pillows apart before pulling away to bite at the oozing mark at the side of their throat instead. Teeth slotting into place easily and sliding in to where they had been before. Claiming and conquring as they grew rougher. Their movements sharper. More precise. Aiming for that bundle of nerves inside of their lover just to hear them howl in their ecstacy and scream their name.

As their coupling wore on, the smaller males features began to change. Magick glimmering in the air like static as their warm skin became a mixture of cream and an ashy brown with hints of grey. Patches of color forming on their body like a pattern designed by the heavens to create the most perfect and most beautiful artwork in the world. Horns that started off small elongated at the top of their forehead towards the fire precariously and burst forward till they almost caught in the flames as the couples moans grew louder and louder. Their pleasure making the magick in the air become wild as pink flowers grew and grew and grew till they were falling off of the antlers and blooming again and again till the couple were covered in petals and the scent of spring. Hair that had once been a bright and vibrant pink now shifted to black as the witches true features emerged. His glamour gone in the face of his impending release as the one above him and pressing him into the ground bit harder and dug their claws into his behind sharply as they lifted his hips and fucked him hard enough to rattle the bones in his pelvis. Their growls becoming deafening in the small hut and easily overpowering his own high pitched wails.

Broad shoulders squared themselves as the larger pulled them up into a sitting position, the long strands of his brown hair falling onto both of them at the action and causing both to laugh. Matching smiles on their faces. "I love you." The words fell out like a hushed whisper, and the one receiving them let out a watery stuttered breath.

"Jimin." Golden glowing eyes shined at him wetly, a sadness deep and overwhelming pushing through as long arms wrapped around a small slender waist. "I love you too." The words were spoken into the witches shoulder. Fangs grazing against the mark that was left behind. "I love you."

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