Act One: The Magician - Chapter Eight

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"Um..." Jungkook didn't know what to say. "I'm-" Before he could continue, Jimin cut in and interrupted as he leaned over the bed and pressed a glowing hand to his brother's forehead as he muttered words that he couldn't hear beneath his breathe.

"He's the one that you saved. Or do you not remember what's happened?" The words were rushed as they tumbled over themselves in order to get out. The pink haired witch beginning to rant before either of them could say a thing as he poked and prodded at the skeletal mask clinging to Taehyung's skin as if it had been sewn on and fused together with his flesh. Until this moment, Jungkook hadn't put too much thought into it. But the sight was unnerving. Though, also oddly familiar. As the puzzle pieces started to fall together however, he became distracted by the ramblings of the healer and instead focused on what he was saying as the one who had saved him let out a startled yelp when small fingers gripped onto the skeletal covering a bit too harshly and pulled. This resulted in him slamming himself back into the bed and holding the smaller witch back with his long arms as he glowered at him from underneath his grip. "You have to let me check you, you brat."

Taehyung shook his head. "You can do that later!"

Somehow Jimin managed to get out of his hold and in a swift move that Jungkook wasn't expecting at all, he had pinned his brother down to the bed with both of his thick thighs. Thus squishing his arms to his torso while he positioned his ankles in such a way that they pressed his groin down in order to keep him from bucking him off as he applied his full body weight on top of him. He then once more began to study the mask as he rambled on about things in a language that Jungkook couldn't even begin to try to understand as Taehyung grumbled in complaint but was compliant none-the-less. And while the sight was humorous, given that both were fully grown men who were wrestling about like children, the peaking of growing antlers popping out from the top of the pink haired witches forehead is what grabbed his attention the most.

There was something oddly familiar about the way the antlers curved and twisted about as little pink flowers blossomed against them as if they were limbs from a tree. And that's when he remembered something. When he and Jimin first spoke to each other he had called himself by a title. One that he of course hadn't thought to much about at the time since well, a lot was obviously going on. But now that he was calmer and felt more in his mind. Less attached to what had happened for the time being. Jungkook was starting to think about the oddity of his situation. At least while he could before he ended up spiraling again. And as he did this, the puzzle pieces were putting themselves together rapidly as he continued to watch the two silently as they interacted.


Jimin had called himself 'Reaper'.

He also said that Taehyung was his brother. And based off of how the two were acting, quite similar to him and his own brother he admittedly thought, it was easy to tell that he wasn't lying. That or the two were abnormally close. Which... Jungkook did put away as a possibility since the two looked nothing alike. But he also had no reason to not believe him either.

Then there was the fact that Taehyung, who was the one that had saved him, had appeared before him as a man that was easily mistaken as a God. He was clearly powerful. But also, not fully right in the head based off of how violent he became over himself not only in the alley but in the inn when he had hoisted him up and propelled them both inside in a dazed fit of confusion, terror, and chaos.

Other than that, Jimin had also called himself a bastard. Did that mean that Taehyung was one as well? Did the two have different father's perhaps? Both abandoned with the mother?

Yet he had also said he was the son of someone called Caaro... Would that mean they did, or at least Jimin, had a father? People normally only said that for the father and yet he still called himself a bastard...

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