Chapter 9

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Meanwhile back at Gingerbread lane, the Precure All-Stars are inside the Gingerbread house and explained to Santa, Mrs. Clause, and Jolly about what happened. "Oh my, I'm so sorry about your friend." Mrs. Clause told Mai, placing her hand on Mai's shoulder. "But, she did the right thing save the child. That takes courage." Santa added. "But, now Krampus have both Nagisa and Saki," Yuko added, while concurred. "There's no telling what he'll do with them." Then a Gingerbread came running in holding a scroll, "Santa, a windago came by and drop this scroll!" Santa grabbed the scroll and noticed it had Krampus' name on it, "It's from Kampus." Santa handed it to Honoka, as she opened the scroll and her eyes widened. "Oh boy." Honoka said in shock. "What is it Honoka?" Setsuna asked. "It's not good." Honoka answered, as she read the scroll out loud.

'Hello Precure, I have a purposely for you girls. I have your two friends and if you want to see them again, bring me Santa's Christmas magic in an hour. From Krampus' The scroll said. After Honoka finished reading the scroll, everyone were in shocked. "Oh boy." Riko said. "What do we do?" Chiyu asked. Santa brings out a crystal from his coat, "What else we're getting your friends back." "But Santa, if Krampus gets your magic, Christmas will be gone." Jolly added. "I know Jolly," Santa told Jolly, but turned to Honoka and Mai and smiled. "But it'll be worth it to save those girls." Both Honoka and Mai smiled at Santa, as he turned to the gingerbread man, "Get Rudolph and the other reindeers. And get my sleigh ready. We have some girls to rescue." "Yes, sir." Gingerbread man replied, as he ran outside to get the other Gingerbread men to help set up the sleigh. Yayoi notices the crystal that Santa is holding, "Hey Santa, what is that crystal?" "Oh this crystal contains the Christmas magic." Santa explained. Honoka looked at the Crystal and got an idea, "Wait I got an idea."

Later, everyone is outside and sees the gingerbread men setting up Santa sleigh, and helping each reindeers into their reins. "Santa, we're all set." Prance told Santa. "Very nice," Santa replied, as he got into his sleigh and gestured to the All-Stars to get in. "Come on, let's get going." "But we can't all fit in." Saaya asked. "No worries, I'm always prepared." Santa replied, as he pressed a button on his sleigh and his sleigh got bigger, which the Precure All-Stars were amazed by the sleigh. "Woah!" Manatsu said, amazed. "Now get in, we have some friends to rescue." Santa told them, with a smirk. The All-Stars gather into the sleigh, as Santa holds up his rope. "On ward, to the workshop!" Santa told his reindeers. "Right away Santa." Bliztan replied, as the reindeers pulled the sleigh and flew off. As Mrs. Clause and Jolly watched. "Good luck dear and girls." Mrs. Clause said.

Meanwhile at the workshop, two Windagos are carrying a tied up Nagisa and Saki to a gift wrapping machine, as the two girls struggle to get free. "Place those two on the convert belt." Krampus told the windagos. The two windagos placed the two girls on the convert belt and walked away. Both girls struggled to get free, as Maria went up to the gift wrapping control. "This machine wraps up gifts. But let's see, it can wrap up people." Krampus told the two girls. "HMPGH!" Nagisa shouted. "LGMPH UMPGH GMPGH!" Saki shouted, as she and Nagisa struggled. "Well, it's almost time for the trade, I hope your friends get to you two on time before you get wrapped up," Krampus replied, as he turned to Maria. "Set up the machine for these girls?" "Already on it, sir." Maria replied, as she started setting up. "Good, enjoy your wrap up gift girls." Krampus added, as he left the room, leaving Nagisa and Saki to struggle to get free.

(Boy, things are taking bad to worst. What is Honoka's plan? Will Nagisa and Saki escape before they become gift wrap? Find out in the next chapter. Also Happy Hanukah, even though I'd didn't celebrated it before, but I hope for people who celebrated it, I hope you all have an amazing first night. Till then peace out)

Precure All-Stars Christmas AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now