When times change, death comes to collect

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Rosetta Maralcaster, known as Rose, Rosa, or Etta to friends and family, was a average, loving, mother and housewife. Well...as average as you can get when your husband is a cannibalistic killer.

She did her daily duties with boldness and took care of her family with the love and gentleness only a true mother can give.

It was 4:20 in the afternoon, her husband came home only but a hour ago, and she started on dinner ten minutes earlier.

"Al, love can you get me the garlic powder?" She asked her husband, who sat at the kitchen counter less then eight feet from her. Her voice had a slight new Orleans accent, sometimes unnoticeable if your not looking.

Her light chocolate brown hair was tired up in a bun more suitable for cooking, and she wore a light rouge, floral dress with a waist apron tied neatly around her waist.

She stood over the stove, mixing in spices and powders into a pot of boiling chicken broth to make a nice stew to go with dinner.
The hotness of the stove top made her light skin burn, but it didn't effect her.

Large, light hands wrapped around her hips. One held a container of garlic powder.
"Here you go, my dear!" Alastor said enthusiastically, shaking a handful of the powder into the pot.

"Thank you, darlin'." She said, smiling lightly as her husband's hands stayed on her hips.

Just as the stew was finishing, the couple heard the door open

"MA, PA! Where hooome!" Their ten year old son, Jysul, yelled. He entered to see his parents standing over the stove, intimately holding each other.

"Ugh, gross Ma, coun't you both done that later?" His younger brother wolked in after him.

"Cover your eyes, Cal, Ma and Pa are being lovely dorky right now.'

Jysul said, covering his little brother's eyes like they walked in on something dirty.

"Oh stop over reacting, dear. Its just a hug. Now go set the table and prepare your hunin' gear, you and your father are catching some meat for tomorrow after dinner." Rosetta said, finally breaking from her husband and turning off the stove.

The kids set the table, and the little family ate in joyous laughter and peacefulness.

Once the food was eaten and everything was cleaned, Alastor and Jysul went out for a hunt.

Not any type of hunt.

A human hunt.

In the woods the family lived, the animel residents were endangered. But thanks to the lack of hunting laws in the area, a multitude of random man came to hunt in the late evenings. With Rosettas love for animals and Alastors admiration for nature, they couldn't let them die out.

These are some of the reasons why Rosetta loved her husband.
He could get rid of these men in a second.

It has been more then an hour since her eldest son and her beloved husband went out. Rosetta sat in the living room, embroidering a new pillow for her youngest, when the front door slammed open and Jysul came through the door in a panicked state

"ITS PA! HE GOT SHOT!" He said, trying to catch his breath.

The color from Rosettas already pale face drained from her body. Without a second, she left from the chair, throwing all her embroidery supplies to the floor and made a dash out the door.

She herd footsteps behind her, signaling that her sons where close to her.

She wasn't even a few feet from the house when she saw him, bloody and battered on the ground.

She picked up her pace, a multitude of thoughts dashed around her mind.
By the time she even got near him, he was gone, the bullet wound in his chest signified the truth.

Rosetta couldn't think straight. All she saw was RED. her mind raced a thousand miles per hour


Her heart was beating with anger and heartache



A shadow behind one of the trees caught her attention.

Alastors killer.

She sped towards him, hot boiling rage seeped through her skin.

Her skin turned hot and red, her temperature went up to 104° and her eyes burned scarlet.

Her ears tips pointed and fire erupted from her hands.

She hasn't used her fae form in years, she vowed to never use it again when she wed...but now, she was desperate...

The man was burnt in a flash, no traces of him remained.

She calmed down enough to turn back to her humen form.

The now widow closed then opened her eyes slowly. She turned around to look at her now lifeless, dead, husband.

She fell to her nees next to him, new tears welled up in her eyes. She felt her two sons behind her, silently mourning.

She leaned in close to her dead lover, and placed a quick kissed to his cold, once soft and warm lips. This time, the boys didn't complain one bit, just watching in silence as there mother said goodbye to her one true love for the last time.

When times change, so does memory. Alastor x ocWhere stories live. Discover now