Back too life

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"you back huh?' say ????

''Naoto!'' say Takemichi ''yo'' say naoto ''Hina can i talk with naoto..'' say hanagaki ''sure'' say Hina
''so Naoto what happening'' say Takemichi ''Well i thought that you already give up saving my sister-'' say naoto getting interupt ''WEL I WAS GIVE UP SAVING HER!'' Say Takemichi ''YOU VOICE!'' say naoto
''ops'' say takemichi while cover he mouth ''well what about the others?'' say  takemichi ''oh you mean chifuyu,mitsuya,draken,smiley,angry,inui?'' say naoto ''yes and mik-'' say takemichi getting interupt by naoto  ''THEY all good and healthy''say noato smile a littel ''is that so well where are them?'' say takemichi ''they-''   ''TAKEMICHI!'' say ??? ''CHIFUYU!'' say takemichi with a bigger smile  ''TAKEMICHI TAKEMICHI ARE YOU OKEY?'' say chifuyu feel worry ''I'm okey'' say takemichi

After Takemichi meet with the other~

''well Takemichi what you want to do after this?'' say naoto ''hmm i dont know maybe i should get a work''  ''you should be a actor it's suit you!'' say hina ''hina!'' say takemichi embrassing ''she is right! you should be a actor Takemichi'' say mitsuya  ''you too mitsuya?!'' say takemichi ''wel is not like people want me to be their actor!'' say Takemichi ''What about we go to Scter studio?'' say inui ''what kind of place is that?'' say takemichi ''wel that place is for people who want too be actor''say inui ''My husband is so lucky!'' say Hina ''Hina!'' say takemichi blush cuz embrassing all of them laugh

~in the morning~

''Takemichi wake up!'' say hina waking up he boyfriend ''5 minute pls" say takemichi Lazy dont want too wake up ''hurmp! if you dont want wake up no breakfast for you!'' say hina angry a littel ''fine'' say takemichi wake up ''i wanna go shower pls?'' say takemichi try too say at hina too get out ''ok but if i see you still sleeping no breakfast!'' say hina ''ok boss!'' say takemichi ''hehe'' laught with a smile

~Takemichi pov~
''les see what clothes or pant or whatever should i wear hmm aha this one!''

''les shower now !''~After shower~*wear them* ''hina!'' ''takemichi-kun you look so handsome!'' say hina ''thank you!'' ''here you breakfast'' say hina ''Thank you again hina!'' ''no problem!'' ''wah takemichi you look so beutiful!'' say smiley ''...

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''les shower now !''
~After shower~
*wear them* ''hina!'' ''takemichi-kun you look so handsome!'' say hina ''thank you!'' ''here you breakfast'' say hina ''Thank you again hina!'' ''no problem!'' ''wah takemichi you look so beutiful!'' say smiley ''ne?'' say hina thinking why does smiley say beutiful instead of handsome ''thank you smiley!'' ''are you done eating takemichi we need to go now'' say inui ''yes im done thank for the food''

*enter the car*

''bye bye Hina smiley!''  ''bye!'' say smiley and hina

~end of Takemchi pov~

''my king i found him'' say ???

thanks for peaple that read this!
12:34 Pm
19/12/2022 Dec
pls corret my word if some of them is wrong!U3U

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