The Dangerous Gang Is Waiting

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Soo yall les just sayy that takemichi pass the exam for being a actor okey? But he still on another exam that will be 2 month too complete soo he is not famous yet

Btw it's been 5 month takemichi come back 😍🤞


Pov bonten:

"Sanzu" say ?? "Yes my king" say Sanzu "I want you to check why does takemichy keep going too that Sctor Studio" say Mikey "Yes my king I will do the thing that you told me" Say Sanzu <Sanzu has left the room> "soo what did boss told you?" Say ?? " he told me that I need to find that raven or whatever" Say Sanzu

Pov bonten end

"Kotowii-sama what does this mean?" Say Takemichi "oh this mean is that you cannot go out without my permission" say kotowii "but whyy??" Say takemichi "beacause you will be famous when you make this movie and if you go out without my permission people will hunted you" say kotowii "Humph!"
"Well if you done making this movie you can do anything but with my permission" say kotowii "fine!" Say takemichi

"Ah! Hina Chan!" Say takemichi <Hina smile> "What are you doing at here?" say takemichi "is it wrong too meet my husband?" Say hina "Hina don't say that we in the public!! ///"say takemichi while blushing "here you go takemichi you forget you breakfast" Say hina "oh yeah I forget thank you hina!" Say takemichi while smiling "you welcome!" Say hina

"Ah Kotowii-sama I want to eat first" say takemichi "yeah sure you really need breakfast before acting" say kotowiii

-After takemichi eat-

"Wah!! I'm so full!!" Say takemichi while rub he's stomach "then les get started" say kotowii "Ah I almost forgot! this is hanzo he will help you to act" say kotowii " name is Hanzo Himayo" say Hanzo with cold eyes."Ah? Pleasure to meet you Hanzo-chan!" Say Takemichi while smiling widely "Ah.." mutter hanzo start to smile a little "I guess somebody already comfortable??" Say kotowii "Ah! Let just get started.." say hanzo while blushing a little

"Action!" Say kotowii

"I like you!" Say takemichi while screaming like anime girl😊 "I'm sorry Hoyisa..."say hanzo "eh? Why?! I-i.." say takemichi "I cannot accept you confess beacause I like someone" say hanzo "Bu-but I'm the girl who help you! The girl who always by you side! Ho-how can you do this to me!?" Say takemichi while crying

"ok.. that a good start.." say kotowii whisper to herself

"Please let me go Hoyisa.." say hanzo "I can't!! I-I LOVE YOU JIYO!" Say takemichi while screaming


"Is it good!?" Say takemichi "yeah.." say hanzo "Hah!" *Smiling takemichi* "thankyou hanzo-chan!" Say takemichi "y-you welcome.." say hanzo while blushing

10 Jun
AM 11:17
469 Words
Pls correct my word if it wrong

Character introduction☆

Hanzo Himayo

18 years old

Cold,doesn't like tall boys,Bi

Another information
(Takemichi was wearing black hair wig and a school uniform)

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