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You came to a halt, your brows furrowed in a frown. Your mouth made a wry, humourous expression of disbelief.

"Laxus became a tyrant?"

"If you want to put it that way, then yes."

The slender index finger soon was pointed at the newly built guild in awe. "And that large building at the end of town is the new guild?"

"Once again, yes."




"Yes, yes."

"Well, that explained why my door-crossing spell didn't work. That answered some of my questions."You chuckled to yourself, feeling a little bit of relief as it wasn't for your magic  had become dull.

You parted your lips to spark another topic of conversation but re-close them back when he was nowhere in sight. He always impressed you with the way he left you inaudibly.

"To the guild by myself, I guess."



Turning yourself and your fellow exceeds invisible, the three of you sweat-dropped at the sight of him shoving his face against the purple-colored runes. Preventing him from going out, you assumed.

Despite the change of tone in his voice, you still recognized him, thanks to his zany-colored hair that you wouldn't find anywhere else, perhaps.

"Should I try to decipher the runes?"

"Don't bother to waste your time, "The female exceed huffed, resting herself on your left shoulder — a similar action that was copied by Cael on your right. "Destroy it instead."

"Who taught you that?"


"No wonder."You snorted and stepped forward, raising your index finger and with three gentle taps, the runes dispersed into the air. It took two seconds for them to notice the sudden change and yet, they causally decided to brush off the event instead.

You could always thank Natsu's stupidity and his urge to fight anyone.

"All right!! Time to beat—"His nostrils filled with a smell he recognized. The scent was hardly perceptible, but he picked it up anyhow. That familiar aroma reminds him of home.

Your scent. You're here.

"[Y/N]...?" It was as if the world blocked any noises from entering your ears when your name slipped from his lips despite in a hushed tone. He turned his head to look at you directly, and you felt your body flinch a little as he began to approach you.

You froze. He is now standing in front of the female without him realizing it.

"You are here... right?"

He lifted his hand forward, and just like that, you teleported away.

The moment his hand reached for you, your aroma was gone and grabbed air instead. He was sure you were standing right before him as his eyes widened in horror.

"No, wait! [Y/N]!"

"[Y/N]?"Gajeel inquired and shook his head, grabbing the collar of the Salamander to drag him along to Kardia Cathedral, "Whatever, we have a madman to be stopped, so get your ass together, Salamander!"

"Wait! You don't understand—!"

And the Iron Dragon Slayer won't stop for whatever excuses the male could come up with.

Makarov stood there in silence before craning his head to look at you. Your invisibility could only fool any other mages except for him; you always make him the exception so he would be the first to welcome you, as you promised.

"You are here, aren't you, [Y/N]?"

Making yourself visible, you walked closer to him. Of course, you had to kneel at his eye level for a proper conversation. "I'm not planning on staying either, so please assign me another quest. I'd appreciate it if it was an SS-Class job."

"You just returned. There's no way I'll send you to another quest."

You sighed."Master, I could bring harm to this guild."

He raised a brow. "Why would you think of that?"

Puzzled, you decided to ask him a question that could make a confirmation of your own."Wait, you didn't know?"

"Aside from your accomplishments, I don't think I gained any information related to you."

Still in a daze, the corner of your lips curled at his answer. They won't know your misdeeds in the country of Joya. The number of mages that have died by your hands, the vast crater you left behind and the one-sided war.

"Good to know, I guess."You whispered and stood up, "Alrighty, let's make a deal."

You raised a finger, "For one year, I won't take any dangerous and long-term quest. But when the time ups, you won't stop me from going."

"Make it eight years."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Look at you! You're still 18! I will in ease once you are 25."

"Then you should correct it as seven years."

"7 years it is."

"I—tsk."You clicked your tongue and turned your heels in annoyance so you wouldn't see the smug smile he had on his face.

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