Part 2: "Hello my love."

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Y/n's pov
"Uhhhh.... You heard nothing..." I said walking slowly in my room. "Hey wait where do you think you going!? We have some questions we need to ask you!!" Satan said, I sighed and nodded "Fine..." "what do you need to ask?" "We need to go somewhere where we can sit down first." "Ok go then"  as I said that we started walking to the living room to sit down. 'Man I need to keep my big mouth shut sometimes :/Geto's going to get mad at me now' I sighed, I then looked up and seen everyone looking at me. And I was looking at them like (•-•) I was really awkward "umm... dose anyone have any questions they want to ask me?" I asked the first one to ask a question is Lucifer "What do you me by training?" "I am from two out of the three major clans in the Jujutsu world the Zenin and Gojou clan." I state "what do you mean by 'Jujutsu' world?" It was satans turn to ask " Jujutsu is what Jujutsu sorcerer use to kill curses and that is one reason how I meet Belphie." "Ya she did a curse almost attacked me but she saved me with this weird blue energy? Is that what it is called?" "Curse energy that's what it is called curse energy. And do you mean this?" As I said that curse energy surrounded my hand they looked at my hand surprised except Belphie "so this is cursed energy do that mean you are a jujutsu Sorcerer?" Levi said I nodded "yes it is cursed energy bu-" I got cut off by my phone ringing "one minute.." I looked at the ID and seen it said 'Geto Suguru' "shiiiitt" I said loudly I then turn around and seen them looking at me surprised.

"Sorry I need to take this..." I said in a scared tone I then answered "hello?" I said in a low tone "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU N/N I BEEN SEARCHING FOR YOU?!?!" Geto yelled "stop yelling my ear drums are going to break if you don't geez?!" "SHUP UP I DON'T LISTEN TO YOU NOW WHERE ARE YOU! I aM COMING TO PICK UP...." Then I went silent "also Megumi is really worried about u he can't sleep, and Sukuna won't leave Yuji alone he keeps asking where you are." He said after he calmed down a little bit. "Can you put Megumi on the phone please...?" I asked "sure he is right here" "Mom! Are you alright?!" Megumi asked loudly I looked back and the brother are staring at me with wide eyes except Belphie cuz he know Megumi "Hey is that Megumi?" Belphie asked I nodded "Hey Megumi do you remember me?" [by the way they are on FaceTime] "Belphie is that you?!" "Yep it me. Are you doing ok?" "Ya and why is mom with you?" "She came and wanted to say hi.." he said making up a lie "ya.. I am are you ok Suguru said you can't sleep?" I asked concerned "ya I can't sleep without you here with me though I am used to your presence being around...." He said sadly I sighed I turned around and looked at the brothers "I will be right back boys..." I said walking around a corner then teleporting in front of Megumi's door and knocking he open it and looked at me surprised then jumped on me "Your ok right mom..?" "Ya I am fine pack up some clothes for a couple of days ok I am taking you with me." He nodded and packed up some clothes for a few days "are you done?" "Yes let's go know before Geto-sensei finds you here.." "he already knows I am here he can since my cursed energy.. let's go before he gets here though." He nodded I grabbed him by the shoulder and teleported back to the home of limitation and around the corner I took.

"I AM BACK!!!!" I yelled while walking with Megumi behind me where they can't see him. All of a sudden i fill someone hugging me around my waist, I look down and seen Belphie hugging me and looking behind me with wide eyes then he looked up at me a mouthed 'why is he here?!' 'Because me and him never have been apart for so long when I got teleported I was heading home from a mission..' I mouthed back he nodded and sighed.

"Ok..." he said just then Lucifer walked up to me and since he is taller then me by a few inches he seen Megumi behind me "who are you?" Lucifer asked Megumi, Megumi looked scared so he hugged me tightly I turned around and hugged him back. "It's ok he won't hurt you as long as I am here..." I whispered in his ear he nodded his head slowly [by the way Megumi,Yuji and, Nobara are younger in this story's plot.]

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