Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself.
My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student a...
Now I can go home and play those video games I bought yesterday. Call of duty, here I come baby!
I was just thinking about these happy thoughts, when I was interrupted by a blonde haired individual's voice calling out to the baldy sitting in front of me.
"Hey Pakgo, let's go for a smoke. I am really pent up after today's lesson. Let's discuss what we should do for your next video while we are at it." The blond shithead, what was his name again? Snapper, no wait, that's not his name- ah just forget it! Snapper called out to my favourite bald headed classmate with a stupid smile on his face.
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[Snapper ^^]
Why the fuck is this moron(Pakgo) sitting in front of my seat in the first place? Don't teachers see that he is bullying me? Who am I kidding, of course they see it but are ignoring it. 'God created teachers to create a difference in the world' my ass.
"Hm? Sure Snapper, Let's go! How about we invite those chicks from the other day? I am sure you will be up for it!" And here goes Pakgo, my dear friend who always takes the seat in front of me, running towards the blonde shithead with a nasty smile on his face. To be honest, I am sure he is trying to be polite, but that smile still looks nasty no matter how you see it.
Smoking at this tender age, you guys are gonna die young at this rate. Not that I will be sad if you guys died tomorrow or anything.
"Sure thing Pakgo, wait, let me open the door for you!" Blondie smiled and did what he was used to doing, buttering up to Pakgo and leaving the classroom with a spring in his step, while hitting a few nerdy looking students in his way for no particular reason.
He sure loves to lick Pakgo's ass doesn't he? Pakgo seems to enjoy it too- wait, that came out wrong!
Anyways, Pagko is a douche bag, but if I have to give him a rating on how big of a douche bag he is, then I will give him a 7 out of 10. Don't worry Pakgo deary, you are still a 10 on 10 at being a scumbag in my books, no need to thank me lol.
But if I have to give this blonde buffoon a rating on being a douche bag, then I will rate him a solid 10. The reason? It's simple really. In Pakgo's case, he bullies kids who are weaker than him simply because he wants to have some fun, Snapper on the other hand, does it because he wants to get recognition as a cool dude among his peers.
For Pakgo, it's in his nature that he is a douche bag. But Snapper? I have a feeling he is not all bad, or at least not totally evil. It's just that he wants to be a part of the so called popular crowd. So he does the thing which people like him do all the time-
Being a prick to those who are at the bottom of the social ladder.
Snapper was actually really friendly with me at first, but just as he heard about me getting bullied by Pakgo, he cut all ties with me and started treating me like shit.