Chapter 4 | Daddy

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"If nothing saves us from death, at least love should save us from life"//Pablo Neruda

Ares Chance ;

"I slept with your wife, Mark. Do you taste my dick when you kiss her?"

An alpha yelled over the side of the conference table at Mark, the alpha of the Trinity pack

What if Lana cheated on me? Nah she will never.

"You didn't?!" Mark accused at him as the rest of the alphas watched them with amusement, some even were recording it

"She calls me daddy!"

Mark opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "Shut the hell up!" I roar standing up Making them all stop talking

"Sort this out somewhere else. If I hear both of you fight again during this meeting I'll rip your fucking throats open and you know I will"

They both nod quickly before sitting down in their seats. I rub the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself down wishing I was at home with my mate .

"So where was I?"

Finally I was done leading the meeting. I caught up with my old friends and talked About Allies and stuff like that. I walk to the large elevator and pushed the 8 button where my room is in.

I patiently wait in the elevator listening to the annoying tacky elevator music playing loudly making me want to bash my head into the glass walls. The elevator dings as it arrives to the 8th floor and I walk out and I saunter my way to my room and take off my tie and jacket and throw it in my large luggage aimlessly.

I jump on the comfortable bed looking at the Chandelier on the ceiling.

I really miss my love, Lana. I was thinking about her beautiful soft chocolate brown hair and bright loving hazel eyes that always looked at you with kindness.

How would my life be with Lana be like. Will we get married? Does she Love me? Does she want to have kids?

What if I hurt her. I am a Monster. But I'm really trying everyday to calm down my anger and try to be more loving. Just for her. Lana. I'd do anything for her. Anything.

I jump up remembering if was her birthday today!

How could I forget! She was turning 18.

I growled as my 6 plus goes off and see that Jake is calling me.

"Yes jake" I answer clearly annoyed

"When are you coming back, your girlfriend misses you. She's crying 24/7 and is barely eating, she just mopes around with your blanket"

My heart breaks just hearing that, I sigh deeply before answering "tell her I lover her and I'll be back as soon as possible"

Then in the background I hear Will yell " Fuck, Jake she's going into heat!"

"What! No Every male there better keep there dick in there pants. I'll be there in a couple hours" I order ending the phone call

I call my pilot of my private jet to come to Las Vegas, Nevada to pick me up to bring me back to California .

I put my jacket and tie back on and grab my luggage. I run to the elevator and press the lobby button quickly basically breaking it.

I bolt though the Lobby of many alphas, "Move!" I roar pushing through them Making them stare at me strangely

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