Chapter 14 | i dont want no ravioli

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1 month

1 month in this hell.

It felt like 12 years to me.

Gerald. Dr. Day. Monster. Kidnapped me

My wolf and I are trying to contact Ares and Axel but nothing is working.

My baby bump has got a lot bigger now, the baby always kicks. It makes me happy knowing the baby is still alive and okay. Because I've been beaten all over but i never let him hit my stomach. I don't know what happened to Angel and I don't give a fuck.

I'm still in Ares's shirt and it still smells like him. I never gave up hope about him saving me. I will never

Gerald walks up to and unlocks the chains and pulls me up and claps turning on the lights

Are you kidding me! For 1 month I didn't know you could turn on the lights by clapping?!

I look around me to see I'm in a basement. He pulls me by the wrist to go up the stairs.

Where is he taking me?

He brings me to a living room, where a fire was burning in the fireplace to keep it warm, since it was November.

He sits me down on a soft black couch

"You are going to be my mate now okay?! And that baby in your stomach is going to be ours. If you ever try to escape, I will kill your alpa"

I didn't want Ares to die so I guess I have to stay

- 1 month later

Gerald really treated me really good. But not as good as Ares will. I remember how Ares looked like when i first saw him

He had a Black suit on and his brown hair was messy but nice. His blue eyes were cold and hard until he saw me.

"Cupcake want to watch a movie?"

"Who the fuck you calling cupcake" I sasses at him

He picks me up by the my shirt that he bought me

"your lucky I love your annoying ass" he whispered into my ear and sets me down on the couch and throws popcorn

"But I'll never love you though"

"Eat your damn popcorn" he yells putting on 21 jump street and putting my arm around my waist and resting his hand on my baby bump

"I don't want it" I say pushing away the bucket

"What do you want ravioli" he says frustrated

"I don't want no ravioli"

// Jake Anderson //

Ares hasn't been the same. He's gone back to his old self since Lana was kidnapped. He has this stubble and has this deadly look in his eyes. He's been looking for Lana non stop.

I actually missed her funny ass

Its been 2 months. 2 agonizing months.

He's not the only one hurting, the whole pack is. The only people he talks to is me and Will.

Ares is back to being a monster

A monster everyone feared. Lana Changed him.

"Ares, are okay man. I have some hot Cheetos" I say open his office door

The state of his office didn't surprise me one bit.Chairs & couches were flipped over and pictures that use to be hanging on the wall were broken. His desk was broken in half and also was his heart.

But the only thing not broken was a picture frame he was holding. It was a picture of Him and Lana at the pack party when they announced the new heir.

He slowly looked up and me. His ocean blue eyes were bloodshot, from crying

"Thanks" he says grabbing the bag

"Did you find anything about her" he asked rubbing his eyes

"Actually.. Yes"

"Are you serious because if your not I'm going to cut your balls off and staple it to your ne-" I interrupted him quickly not wanting him to continue

"We found out she's in a cabin in no mans territory" he smiles and jumps over the broken desk

"How?" He sounded like a little child on Christmas

"You know how Angel came over here yesterday and was all over you-" he nods

"Well we handcuffed her and she instantly confessed where Lana is" i say laughing

"Pathetic" he spat

"Let's get my two babies" he running out the office


Sorry I've been writing small chapters, I've been really really really tired and busy

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