Chapter 2

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Just as planned, as soon as they finished breakfast, the boys headed out to the record shop that Saturday morning.

They had bikes, but were in no rush so Thomas suggested that they walk instead. Guy-Manuel nodded in agreement, mentioning something about how "walking helps to appreciate the aesthetics of the city".

Thomas always admired his friend's way with words. Guy didn't say much, but when he did, it sounded absolutely magnificent.

Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. Thomas chuckled at himself.

Guy looked up at Thomas quietly giggling. He assumed it was at his previous comment and Guy-Man suddenly felt silly. "Aesthetics of the city"? Ugh, c'mon now. Can I be anymore lame? He blushed out of embarrassment. Thomas met Guy-Man's gaze, it eerily resembled the same expression Guy made last night after they kis-

"Well, let's get a move on, yeah? We should go before traffic downtown gets too hetic." Thomas nervously cleared his throat.

Guy mentally cursed but also thanked Thomas for breaking the silence.

Even though there was some sort of, "closure", if you will, in the shower that morning, both of the boys were still trying to figure everything out in their heads.

So for now, they simply just pretended that it didn't happen.

On the way to the shop, Clair de Lune Musique, they had meaningless small talk. School, family, friends, movies, "oh wow look at that bird/flower/painting" etc.
It was a lovely walk through the streets of Paris, but the weight of last night's events still lingered behind them.

The underlying tension was suffocating, but they both silently agreed to pretend it wasn't there.

"I know we said that it's okay but it's not." Thomas wanted to scream. He's been doing alot of pretending lately and to be frank, Thomas was damn sick of it.

They were only a few blocks left to walk, the city alive and not noticing the two boys.

He interrupted whatever the hell Guy was mumbling on about by firmly grasping his hand.

A small gesture, but also a very huge one.

Guy-Man stopped walking and did that same deer-in-the-headlights expression once again, Fuck, can you, like, stop making that damn face? Thomas almost said it out loud.

He immediately started to regret his decision after Guy-Man didn't respond after a few seconds.

"I-I, um, I d-didn't," He panicked, removing his hand from Guy's. God, it's the kiss all over again."I'm s-s-sorry-".

His long-haired friend finally replied by tightening his grip on Thomas's hand.

They continued to walk in silence, hands laced together.
They were walking past a lake now, families had already gathered around it to have picnics. Children had on bathing suits to swim. It really wasn't all that silent but it felt like it to Guy-Man and Thomas.

At one point Thomas tried to talk but Guy swiftly cut him off with an eloquent "shut up".

Most people would feel quite offended, but Thomas knew it was out of love. That "shut up" meant "Okay, I really like you, and I know you feel the same so let's just enjoy this moment instead of ruining it with words, alright?".

Thomas's silence accompanied by a soft smile meant, "Alright. So are we really okay this time?"

Guy sighed, meaning: "I honestly don't know. But we'll try."

That was enough for Thomas.
Once they made it to Clair de Lune Musique, their peaceful silence turned into excited teenage screaming.

"Holy shit Thomas, they even have some old Beach Boys records!"

"I know! Michael Jackson too!"


"Paul Williams!"

"Bill Withers!"


If there was a heaven on earth, this new record shop would definitely be it.

Even though Thomas's mother had generously gave the boys some money to buy the records, they only had enough to buy two- if they still wanted to be able to go to the movies afterwards.

Ultimately, the boys chose to get the Beach Boys record and "Hotel California" by Eagles.

When they left Claire de Lune Musique, Guy had a huge smile plastered on his face and took Thomas's hand into his once again.

Thomas's smile matched Guy-Man's. He adjusted the bag holding their newly owned records with his free hand.
Around the corner was the movie theater. They didn't know what movies were in but that didn't matter.

They were happy to be together.

A/N- Ahhhh okay! A few people wanted me to make a another chapter so here you guys go! Hope you like it :)

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