Chapter 7

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The sun was setting and night was approaching fast.

The dark blue sky mixed with touches of pink and orange was above them. A swift gust of wind blew across.

"You're shivering."

"I-I-It's n-not that c-cold." He clutched his bookbag closer to his body.

Guy-Man rolled his eyes at Thomas. His nearly blue boyfriend was obviously freezing his ass off. "Yeah, sure okay."

Even though it was already March, a nasty cold front had come in last night. Last night. So much had transpired in the little time from last night, to that morning, to this very moment.

The boys had immediately had sprung out of bed after confirming what their plan was. Guy quickly packed his clothes- as much clothes you could fit in a grade school bookbag - while Thomas listened to what was going on outside. And oh boy, was his mother going at it.


"I'm worried about Thomas too, of course, he's such a sweet boy...And I'm sorry that you feel like all of this is Guillaume's fault, but it's not. Besides, it's already late, I need to wake him and Paul up for school." Monsieur de Homem-Christo tried to reason.


Guy-Manuel's parents and even Thomas's father were attemping to get her to calm down, unfortunately to no avail. Madamn Bangalter was absolutely furious.

Thomas made a reminder to himself not to tell Guy-Man all of the things she had said about him. "Hurry up!" Thomas urged in a hushed voice, moving his focus to Guy's alarm clock. "Your parents are about to come in here and 'wake you up' soon."

"Okay, I just finished packing." Guy slung his backpack strap over his shoulder and was already halfway out the window.

Thomas followed in suit, not taking very long to catch up with Guy-Man's sprint. They were careful not to get too much attention running through those Parisian streets. School had started almost an hour ago and one of the last things the boys needed were to get caught by the police cutting school.

At last, they had made it to the "missing" boy's house. Thomas barreled up the staircase to his room to gather his clothes. Guy was downstairs as look out, praying to God that Thomas's parents wouldn't pull up in that driveway any time soon.

Well apparently he had prayed too late.
Just as Thomas came back downstairs, zipping up his bag, Guy could see the Bangalters driving down the street. And by the looks of it, Guy's mother was in the car too. Papa is probably taking Paul to school then...which means they already know I'm gone, fuck!

Thomas met Guy-Man's panicked gaze and understood. They ran into the kitchen, which had a door that led to the backyard. As soon as they shut the back door, they heard the front door open. Loud voices filled the house.

"Guillaume?! Thomas!? Are you in here?!"

"See, I told you they wouldn't be here!"

"Let's just look around the house first, okay? They have to be somewhere."

The boys froze.

Thomas's blood ran cold through his veins. Fuck, we're gonna get caught and I'll never see Guy again. I know it.

Guy blinked in terror. No, no, no. They're gonna separate us again.

They looked at each other, the fear of the inevitable engulfing the atmosphere.

Guy furrowed his brow. He ran towards the metal fence bordering Thomas's backyard.

What the hell is he doing-

Thomas's  thoughts were cut off by the sight of Guy jumping over the Banglaters' fence and into their neighbors backyard. "What are you waiting for? Come on!" Guy whisper-yelled.

Thomas's feet finally unfroze. He scrambled up the fence just in time to hear his mother's wailing.


Climbing over fence after fence and running through backyard after backyard (and getting chased by dogs occasionally), the boys finally found refuge in an abandoned nature park.

It wasn't much to look at, just a forgotten trail and a few wooden picnic tables. Moss and splinters covered the majority of them. The overall aesthetic of the empty forest was, in a word, bleak.

Guy had a faint memory of going there with his family years before it had closed down. He must've been no older than 5. We were supposed to be having a family outing, a nice picnic and everything..but then it rained, ruining our plans. Melancholic nostalgia hit Guy-Man hard. He frowned.

"S-stop m-making that f-face, I'm not cold, s-seriously." Thomas was seated on a picnic table across from Guy's own. He crossed his arms and pouted.

"I wasn't frowning at you, I was just thinking about-" The sound of a twig snapping interupped Guy. They both reflexively tensed up.


"Oh, um," Thomas coughed, "That w-was p-p-probably nothing..r-right?"


Thomas shivered again, pulling his bag even closer.

Searching through his backpack for a moment, Guy-Man pulled out a faded green jacket and tossed it over to Thomas. "You're not a very good liar."

Thomas meekly thanked his boyfriend and put on the wrinkled and worn out, but nonetheless warm, jacket on. He smiled down at his hands, admiring it's "too-short-for-my-long-arms" sleeves and having Guy-Man's scent surround him. Baguettes, cheap cologne, and cigarettes. Guy did say he used to smoke now and then with Jacques and those guys...I never saw him do it with my own eyes so I just assumed that he had stopped...guess I was wrong.

Thomas opened his mouth to ask Guy if he still smoked cigarettes but that question was replaced with a gasp when Thomas got a look at his arm.

A medium sized cut, a few inches below his elbow, was bleeding.

"Guy! Your arm!"

"Huh? Oh! I guess one of those dogs snagged me on our way here."

"Shit..well let me get you a bandaid, come over here." Thomas rummaged through his bookbag and recovered a half empty box of bandages. "Always come prepared, you know..", he muttered quietly.

Guy-Man silently sat still next to Thomas as he pulled out two bandages and carefully applied them to the wound. He held Guy's arm ever so gently, which made Guy blush ever so slighty.

Slowly releasing his boyfriend's arm, Thomas sighed. What do we do now? They hadn't planned much, only joking about joining the circus a few times. He met Guy's eyes, searching for an answer. Those icy, blue eyes that seem years older than they really are. The boys were only inches away at this point, both refusing to break eye contact.

The sun had set. Darkness surrounded them.


Guy's focus flickered down for a moment at Thomas's parted lips. Slowly, he closed his eyes and Thomas did the same. They leaned forward, getting closer and closer until their lips were only centimeters apart when-


Alarmed, they instinctively moved away from each other. Another twig had snapped. Crunching footsteps could be heard. They froze, completely and utterly terrified. Afraid to even breathe. Thomas grabbed Guy-Man's hand and swallowed hard.

A voice rang out, "Where are you?"

A/N-*where are ü now starts playing*

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