Hey! There We Go!

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The rest of the week came as a sort of blur. All i was focused on was the college letter, leaving my home without my dad, leaving Eric after i just met him, and of course, how in the hell am i supposed to get a house in California? Apartments in California are expensive, compared to what i have saved which is like $400. I do not know what to do.

"That's it," I yell out loud, forgetting i am in class.

" What is 'IT' Miss Brooklyn," My English teacher asks me, " Would you like to share?"

I scoot down in my seat, "No Sir, I apologize for interrupting you. Please continue."

As soon as the end-of-the-day bell rings, I run to Jennifer.

"Jennifer! i know what to do!"

" Okay what is that?"

"My mom told me, before I stopped talking to her, that she has a special account with money on it for when i start college. I figured that i could use that to buy our apartment."

" Do you think that she still has that up?"

"She should."

"And what if she doesn't?"

"Then I don't know."

"Ready to go?"


When I get home i go on Facebook and ask my mom if she still has the "college fund". She does! Amen! i text Jennifer and tell her the news and tell my dad. I am happy and sad at the same time. Happy because my 18th birthday is next week and i am moving to California next week too. Sad because i have to leave my dad and Eric. About Eric, I guess we are dating, I don't know. But he is 19 so if he wanted, he could come live with Jennifer and I. Unless, he will feel weird. I have to talk to him.

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