Chapter One. A New Beginning.

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(A/N) As said in the description of this story, there will be moments of NSFW 18+, also known as lemons, because, well..would it even be fan fiction without even a little of it? Anyway, there will also be some gore or bloody images or text descriptions, but there will be a warning beforehand, and yeah, I'd appreciate you tuning in, so let us start!
Before we officially start, you will play as a 5'2 145lbs not too weak of a guy. With no powers, of course, other than his will, he can have you do almost anything with enough thought, so nothing too special.
[2:21pm] It's been a week since you were living in an apartment and you finally graduated, Your parents helped you get an apartment with some furniture for graduating strong with good good grades you goody two shoes! Which gives you the initiative to get started on a job, but it has been difficult for some odd reason.

"..ugh!" You grunted a bit, frustrated. "Why is this so hard? I thought my mom said everyone was hiring.." You laid back on the couch, staring at the ceiling for a bit, before realizing there might be something in the newspaper. As you look at your coffee table, you see the newspaper you got earlier today before taking a quick nap, and you sit up and quickly grab it before flipping through pages and reading pretty fast. "Come on, come on, there has to be something here!" To your surprise, there was nothing..until..! "Ahah!" It was a newspaper ad for Freddy's pizzeria and nightclub. "Help wanted..dadada.." You said this to yourself, skimming through the newspaper. "Need help as a night watch for any break ins or suspicious activity around the pizzeria..getting paid..- W-woah..what?!" You gasp, looking at how much you'd be getting paid. "850 weekly?! That's more than enough.." You checked the hours before pouting a bit. "12 a.m. to 6 a.m. Well, good thing I have left over day and nightquil from when I got sick last time.. This isn't bad, though I'll call them now! Where's my phone.." Once you get your phone, you dial the place up before someone finally picks it up. "Freddy's Pizzeria and Nightclub. Will you be booking a party or takeout?" "Oh! No thank you, I appreciate you being polite. I saw an ad in these newspapers and wanted to sign up to be a nightguard!" "What..? Oh, sorry, I'll put you on the line with my boss.." Well that was weird..why did they sound confused when you wanted to apply..? It says help was wanted for a reason, right? "Hello! I've heard you wanted to apply for a job!" "Yes, please. I'd highly appreciate it!" You said, smiling to yourself, that you were really excited to be a working man. Your parents will be proud, as the caller sounds happy. "Really? You sound genuine about this. Well, then get over here I'll be waiting for you! " It's really happening!! "A-aah..Yeah! I'll be there in a few!" You simply said before taking your phone off the ear and ending the call that as you stood up, going over to your closet to get your jacket, it was a little chilly out. You already had your house keys and locked up the house before turning forward, just seeing and adoring the scenery. "As beautiful as this is, I don't have time. I gotta go get my first job!" You then get down and start to almost sprint before realizing you have a bike and two..don't..exactly know where you're going. "O-oh right.. ehehe.." You take out your phone once more, entering the pizzeria in your GPS, and grab your bike to set off on your journey.
??? Pov
The girl who first picked it up before giving it to her boss rolled her eyes. "You really sent them here?" "I have a good feeling about this one. A great one." They said they were giving a bright smile. "It'll be the same! Outcome, they are all the same!" "You shouldn't assume things before they happen. That's like assuming the lion will attack the zebra when it really goes after the boar." I then roll my eyes before starting to walk out of the office.
Back to you!! Y/N Start!
"Hah..Aah..I peddled far too fast now my excitement is drained.." You check your phone clock to see it's 2:30. "I got here in nine minutes. I need to calculate the time I can get here if I'll be a great worker." You then put your bike up, locking it, before trying to straighten your curly hair, at least before walking in, looking around, and pretty much flabbergasted. The place was huge, and there were kids in one area, a bar, and two different cove areas. You walked on your own, looking around, amazed. "I've lived 18 years and haven't even known of this place's existence. Oh, my mom and dad are getting an angry phone call after thi-" You bumped into someone before standing up straight and looking forward. "Ah! I'm so sorry, that's completely my" Before you stand is a beautiful woman with nice long purple hair in a security uniform..well on the top half, at least you looked down a split second to see what type of pants you'll need, but you realized she wasn't seeing anything after seeing pale skin for too long. "Be careful, sweetie. This isn't the play area." She taunted before giving a playful smirk.

          She was at least 5'7, and she looked you in the eyes before you swallowed and finally talked

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She was at least 5'7, and she looked you in the eyes before you swallowed and finally talked.
"I may be short, but... I-I..Uhm.."
"Nervous already? Jeez, if you can't even hold a sentence with me, you'll get eaten up here." She said it to you, followed by a giggle. That's what determines you to speak up.. At least, beautiful women always tend to intimidate you it's just something about them.. "I-I may be short, but I'm small and mighty." You said you were puffing your chest out just a bit before she started to giggle. "You're so right. My apologies, sir." "Hey, do you know where the boss is? I wanted to apply." "Oh, so that's what Jane was muttering about earlier..yeah the office issss down there!" She pointed in that direction, as you smiled, nodding. "I'll see you later, then!" You said you were about to walk away before turning to her again. "What's your name?" You ask with a little head tilt. She looked surprised when you asked, and it seemed like she forgot. "Someone forgot their name or what? Someone who teases, then tense ups when they get asked for their name is going to get eaten up in here."You said this before winking at her, which caused her to blush from embarrassment before shaking her head slightly, the blush leaving her cheeks. " name." She said she was looking at you before you smiled big. "My name is Y/N, I hope I get hired so we'll make great friends." You said before running down the hallway like a kid before stopping and walking more.. professionally as the girl with purple hair stood there and then thought to herself, "That's..the first guy who didn't even stare at my body or make a lewd comment..what's going on? It seems a little unordinary.."
(For my first book, yes, it is time that I've done something like this..I'm publishing this to see if anyone likes it, and honestly, if not, I'm still gonna right to my heart's content. I appreciate you sticking with me, and I'll drop the next part later!)
(1300 Words)

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