Chapter 9: Wash Your Face and Calm Down

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For once in his life, Jeff felt proud. He probably shouldn't have, but he did.

He walked back up to the parking lot where Keith's car still sat. As it came into view, Jeff couldn't help but laugh. Keith's front window was completely blacked out with paint. Window safe paint to be exact, easily removable, but very inconvenient. As Jeff surveyed the car he saw a few 'tasteful' drawings along the side, most likely drawn by Ben. Ugly scribbles and rude words pepering the left of it. On the right of the car, similar to Nat's, a familiar 3 sentence phrase was messily painted onto the doors.

Watch YOUR back .

It felt fair. At least they had resisted doing something worse. Jeff almost felt compelled to throw a rock through their window, but his beef wasn't exactly towards Keith. His face past one of the unpainted windows; Ben and Toby had most likely run out of time. When he saw his reflection, he nearly jumped. He looked absolutely deranged, like a cracked out homeless man. His brown hair was disarrayed and tangled. His entire mouth and nose were smeared in his own blood. He looked disgusting. He looked worse than how he had left Randy.

Crashing back down to reality, Jeff muttered a curse under his breath. His actions finally taking effect. That proud feeling now immediately being replaced with the anxiety of consequences. Jeff had just beat the shit out of one of the (supposedly) most powerful kids in school. Randy was mostly talk, but if what Ben had said was true, Randy would most likely be pressing charges for assault. And Jeff knew it would not end well for him.

He felt his throat close suddenly, the shakiness of his hands returning. For a moment, he just stood there; unsure of what to do. He stared at the ground, eyes non moving, trying to ground himself. He slid his foot across the gravel, and snapped his head back up. Right now, all he needed to do was wash his face. That's all. That's a good starting point.

Jeff, Ben, and Toby had all agreed that after the deed was done they would all meet up at Frankenburger. A fast food restaurant Jeff had never heard of, but one Ben insisted would be good. The sun was slowly setting by the time Jeff got there, hood over his face to prevent drawing unwanted attention.

He noted the sign as he walked in: a poorly drawn image of a hamburger with stitches and bolts sticking out from the patty. He wondered if this was seasonal or not.

Carefully and quietly, Jeff slipped into the nearest restroom and addressed his face. The blood had dried at that point and it made Jeff's face feel itchy. He pulled his hair back and splashed some water onto his face, rubbing in some hand soap for good measure. He didn't have a brush so he resorted to threading his fingers through his hair until it looked decent enough to be presentable. Presentable enough for a burger place at least.

Getting his bearings, Jeff walked back into the main area of the restaurant and looked around. He spotted Ben and Toby quite easily, sitting in a booth near the back. He walked over, making his presence known, and slipped into the seat next to Toby and let out a huge sigh. "And the king returns!" Ben said, reaching over the table to pat Jeff on the shoulder.

"I saw the stuff you did to the car, good work guys." Jeff smiled, feeling a little more at peace.

Toby clicked his tongue. "How was Randy? He, He didn't try anything, did he?"

Jeff wondered if he should lie. He watched as Toby bumped the table with his first, and watched as Ben stared at him. It was a mix of concern and pride. "He pushed me around a little," Jeff started. "But I took care of it."

Technically, that was the truth.

"That dick," Ben grumbled, shaking his head. "I'm telling you, next time he tries that we're all jumping him. Got it?"

Jeff The Killer: RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now