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Fawn's mother gently brushed the Dirty blonde hair, out of Fawns tear streaked eyes.

"Fawn, please for once in tour life listen to me!" Her mother yelled.

Fawn quietly looked up and sobbed, wrapping her arms around her mothers shaking body.

Her mother held her close for a few seconds but pushed her away after more repeated gun shots from the living room.

"Fawn...Please I can't hold onto my sanity much longer you need to go! " her mother whispered In between desperate sobs

Fawn looked at her mothers violet eyes once more before turning and sprinting out the back door.

Not turning back, she heard the screams of soldier's who had mistakenly tryed to intrude her home.

And she smirked, but quickly dropped it when she heard her mothers and fathers final screams.

Fighting the urge to turn back Fawn clinged to herself and ran into the forest.

Leaving her home, her family, and her once normal 7 year old life behind.

(2 years later) Fawn gleefully pranced home with a basket full of fresh picked Berry's,

Climbing into the small, but livable burrow she managed to survive in, fawn stashed away the Berry's with the rest of her food, ignoring her growling stomach.

And instead Distracting herself with Softly running her hands through her waist long hair, making it sufficiently less tangled.

"STOP! NO PLEASE! I DIN-" the sentence ended with a gun shot, leaving fawn in wounder,

Unsure, Fawn quietly crawled out of her burrow, and climbed a tree,which earned her a view of what had happened.

A small girl..about 12 or so years old, was laying on the ground, eyes glazed over, a gun in hand, and blood splattered everywhere ,not hers, but there's, the dismantled body's laying around her.

A single soldier stepped out from behind a tree, shaking violently still pointing the gun at the dead girl like she would come back to life any second. And ran.

Fawn stared at the girl, and felt like she was some how able to trust her..Fawn wasted no time and jumped from her tree, running twoards are her.

Fawn kneeled next to the girl, and stared into her dead eyes. What had happened? Why was there so much blood?, even for a nine year old Fawn had thousands of unanwared questions, why did her parents have to die? Who would kill them and why?

Fawn curled up next to the girl and cryed, something moved fawn bolted up to see the once dead girl smiling at her, " I...I'm glad.. I got to s-see one of my kind..before..before..I died.." She whispered at the verg of tears.

And softly placed her black gun into fawns small hands. " D..don't...pl-please don't die.." She breathed her last words then finally past away.

Fawn stared in shock, at the gun and the trusted girl, and she cryed, unable to hold her emotions put any longer.

(3 hours later) fawn crawled back into her burrow replaying the days events, and she placed her gun next to the burnt picture of her parents.

Fawn closed her eyes and slipped away into the darkness they call sleep.

Alright peoplzzz this is a very very short chapter, and I promise they'll get longer once fawn becomes a little more older :D whtxh is next chapter! Anywayzzz keep reading ty!

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