You and I

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Quick note: did you guys see that vid on YouTube of Harry and the rest of 1D playing dodgeball?!?! OMG IT WAS SO GOOD I HAVE WATCHED IT LIKE 10 TIMES ALREADY. Harry takes one right to the styles!! :*
anyway, thanks for reading (:


At school on Monday morning, Harry approached me. I was with Sophie when he came up behind me, and she nudged me and looked unsure. I turned around and there he was, smiling and looking all cute with his stunning green eyes and curly brunette locks.
"Hey," he said, as I faced him. He was alone.
"Hey," I smiled back. I could sense Soph staring at me in confusion and awe.
"I think I might go to my locker now," Sophie said quickly.
She left, and Harry began speaking again.
"So, how was your weekend?" He asked.
"It was great, until you showed up on my Saturday," I joked. He grinned and his dimples became visible again. God I love them.
"What about you, how was your weekend?" I questioned Harry.
"My weekend was fun, but only when I saw you," he told me. I blushed a pink shade and smiled, completely over- whelmed by the rush of butterflies in my stomach.
"It's kind of a coincidence that we live so close to each other," I said, eager to learn how far away from me he lived. It obviously wasn't that far, because I ran past his house.
"Yeah, I get off the bus 2 stops behind you." Aha. There it is.
"Oh okay, that explains it then," I said, undoubtedly excited that our houses were near each other.
He looked started, as he remembered something.
"Avicii's concert is tonight," he said watching me.
"Yeah I know, I'm pretty sad I didn't get tickets in time." Homework and focusing on school really bums me out when I miss these kind of opportunities.
"Don't worry about it," he said casually, "I got two tickets." I saw his devilish smirk.
"Oh my god! Are you serious?" I asked. I had been looking forward to this for so long.
"Yeah. When you told me you liked Avicii last week I called up my cousin who works for the ticket selling company and he reserved some good seats for us." Harry was beaming at me, and I could feel my heart leap around in my chest.
"Thank you so much!" I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around his neck and elevating myself onto my tippy toes so I could rest my head on his shoulder. He immediately placed his large hands on my lower back, just as I suspected he would. Soon we broke the hug, and I still couldn't believe that someone would get tickets for me. You know how often your mind says no and your heart says yes? That's my position right now. I am definitely choosing to go with my heart though; Harry was doing a good job at trying to win me over, honestly.
"It will be fun," he said grinning.
"Yeah absolutely! I'm really looking forward to it," I smiled at him.
When the bell rung for school to start, I had to admit that I was disappointed.
"I'll see you later today," Harry told me.
"Yeah," I nodded. We looked at each other for a moment before it became evident that we both wanted a kiss. I mean it's not a bad thing, besides we've already kissed so this was inevitably going to happen.
He leant over a bit and gave me a quick kiss. When his soft lips met mine, I felt exactly as I did two days before: needy and full of want. I had started to realise that I really liked it when I made contact with him; he was like an addictive drug, and it was clearer than daylight now why girls at my school thought of him as such an important and gorgeous person. He practically owned them all.
"See ya," he said looking at me and smiling a little.
"Bye," I smiled back.

I still couldn't get my head around the big question: How and why did he even find himself interested in me anyways?

After the first 2 periods of the day it became recess. Students piled out of locker areas and classrooms and spread out around the school yard, happy to have a break from boring work and grab something to eat.
Sophie was still nagging me about Harry, even though I told her pretty much everything.
"Kate! I still can't believe you guys are dating." She repeated for about the 100th time. I guess you could put it that way, if you'd even call our few interactions together 'dating'.
"Yeah I know," I was blushing again. Just the thought of him makes me feel light- headed.
"So what are you going to wear tonight?" She asked. Crap. I didn't usually go on fun outings, so my choices of the right clothes for the night would be minimal.
"Uh I don't know," I said honestly, "it's supposed to be warm so probably denim shorts and a tee I guess."
"Yeah, you'll rock that babe," Sophie said truthfully.
After my conversation on dressing up and how I was going to convince my parents to allow me to go to the concert I caught a glimpse of Harry in the distance. He wasn't too far ahead of me, maybe 30 meters, and I could see him clearly as he ran his fingers through this hair. He was surrounded by a whole group of other kids, and to be honest, I was pretty nervous to walk up to him alone so I told Sophie to walk over with me, and she did. We stopped on the outside of the reasonable crowd (it didn't surprise me that Harry and his mates had so many wannabes), and I looked around at the other girls there near him. There was maybe 8 girls, and then about 12 guys surrounding. The girls were all either sitting on a boy's lap or desperately flirting with another. Some of the girls that were older than 18 had a couple of tattoos and it was obvious that many had fake nails, hair extensions and much make up.
When Harry saw me he jumped off the bench he was sitting on and pushed past everyone, eyes completely fixed on me. From the corner of my eye I saw some dark-haired, blue eyed muscular figure stand by Sophie and begin to chat her up, and I mentally giggled as I knew she'd be giving it her all, just like he was. I heard a little mumble escape from the lips of the guy with Sophie and all I could catch was 'hey', 'you're pretty' and 'I'm Blake'. I guess all the guys are comfortable with asking out girls immediately, even when they don't know anything about them.
When Harry finally made it to me he smiled thoughtfully and to my happiness, he wrapped an arm around my waist.
"How was history?" He smirked.
"It was b- wait how did you know what subject I had?" I half-grinned / half-wondered.
"I walked past your room and I saw you there," he explained.
"Stalker," I poked him lightly in the chest, grinning.
"Ha ha," he laughed, "would you have liked it if I had come into the classroom?"
"Actually, that wouldn't been so bad. Mrs Sepreo wouldn't have liked it very much though," I told him.
"Yeah, that's true," he shrugged.
I felt his fingers move a little on my sides, and I enjoyed it that he was touching me. It felt like he was watching out for me, and that he really cared. In a way I felt protected, and that's always an important thing for a girl to feel.
"You know," Harry said turning to face me, "your hair looks beautiful today," my cheeks reddened at the compliment and I found my lips quickly attached to his. When I pulled away, he pushed closer, and the kiss kept going. Luckily we weren't in full view for everyone else to see.
When the kiss broke, Harry placed both his arms around me and pulled me close enough to him to show people that I was his. I liked that thought.
He chucked, "it works every time."
"What does?" I looked up at him and asked. Then I realised that this was the second time he had complimented me and my lips had some how found his. God I couldn't control myself could I?
"Oh, so you only compliment me for a kiss?" I joked, smiling up at him.
Harry grinned and said "no, I mean what I say when I tell you good things, but I can't lie. The kiss part is my favourite."
"Ha ha. You sure know what your doing here, Harry," I teased.
"I like to think so," he winked, planting a peck on my eager lips.
His hands ran up and down my back, but I was grateful he respected me and didn't do anything more than that. Well, for now.
"So what time are we leaving for the concert tonight?" I asked.
"I'll pick you up at about 7. Its starts at 8:30 but the traffic is usually busy and I want to ensure that our seats are good enough."
"I'm sure they're perfect," I said to Harry truthfully.
He smiled cutely and I struggled to believe that he was known as and called a bad boy.
"Where do you live?" He asked, and I typed it into his phone under my name so he would know where to pick me up from this evening.
Soon recess was over, and before I knew it, the 3pm bell had rung.
Somehow amongst the stream of pushy, rushing and bustling kids, Harry and I found each other and my heart was beating faster and faster every second longer I spent with him.
"I'll see you tonight," he smiled, playing with my fingers as we stood in a closed embrace.
"See you then."
Once again, and to my excitement, Harry and I sealed the gap between us with a long, lingering kiss.
Tonight was going to be absolutely amazing, and that was all I kept thinking about.

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