// f i f t e e n

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Charles: Flight just got in, heading to the hotel now x

Nina lifted her phone from the table and smiled at the notification, then turned her attention back to Rosie. She looked gorgeous - her long blonde hair was straightened and fell halfway down her back, her skin bronzed and glowing. In her hand she held a long island iced tea, which she idly sipped at, eyes scanning Nina.

"Monaco?" Rosie lifted her eyebrow. It was Thursday. That meant there was one more race weekend, and then on Monday, Nina would be flying out.

The rest of the week had gotten a little better after the phone call, although Nina's appetite had reduced drastically and she still was struggling with a tremble in her hands. In the end she had come clean to Rosie about the job, who had obviously been ecstatic for her. Today had also been the final day in her current job, so a celebration was entirely necessary.

"Yeah." Nina smiled, raising her glass of merlot to her lips and taking a small sip. "I know it's kind of late in the day to ask, but Charles and I were finalising our plans last night and he said everyone wanted you to come, too." And by everyone, Nina had mainly meant herself and Lando, who had apparently been asking about her best friend an awful lot.

"I don't know, Nonni. I mean, I've always wanted to go and I could probably rearrange some shoots I had lined up." For someone who claimed to be uncertain, she already sounded pretty sure. "It's just a few things, really. Like how can I afford a plane ticket to Nice? And where would I stay?"

"I might already have another ticket booked." Nina admitted. She had told Charles that whilst she hadn't spoken to Rosie about it yet, there was no way she would be able to turn down the offer. "As for where you can stay, I think you're forgetting the people we're visiting. Charles has a spare bedroom..."

"Not sure I'd be up for hearing you guys all night." Rosie smirked.

"Lando does, too. He already told Charles you were more than welcome to stay there."

Rosie perked up at this revelation. "Hmmm..."

"Aw, come on Rosalie. We both know you already want to come."

"Fine. I'll come. It's been a hot minute since I've had a holiday, anyway. It'll make for some good content."

"Knew you would."

Rosie playfully hit Nina's arm. "Shut up!"

"Right, I'm gonna head out for a smoke if you wanna join."

The pair of them rose from their chairs and made their way through the crowded bar. It was quite a small place, a little dingier than other places they tended to frequent recently. The walls were high, each one plastered with gig and festival posters. The bar was stocked with local draughts instead of the usual ones, and the music was a little on the heavier side. It felt more homely. It wasn't full of the usual Chelsea-types a lot of other places seemed saturated with.

The outside smoking area was cosy. There were three booths strung with fairy lights and a couple of bistro tables and chairs, where Nina and Rosie decided to seat themselves.

After lighting her cigarette, Nina offered one to Rosie, who considered for a moment and then took one too. She didn't usually smoke, but sometimes when she was drinking and the mood was right, it could be quite nice.

"So how are you feeling about the new job?" Rosie asked, taking a drag from the straight.

Nina thought about it for a moment. It was fucking terrifying leaving the job she had been in for almost four years, especially for something that felt like a huge step towards her goal. It felt alright, but change could be so overwhelming. "All things considered, I think I feel pretty good about it."

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