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A notebook, pencil in hand, and no one to bother him. Wilbur looked down at the notebook paper. "new song lyrics" was written at the top of the page. He's been meaning to make a new song for ages, but he's never gotten the motivation to sit down and go through with it. A small sigh leaves Wilbur's lips.

maybe i shouldn't even do this, waste of time. The brunette thought putting down his pencil. He leaned back and just stared at the paper in dull light.

The last song he made was Your new Boyfriend, his most successful song. wilbur was never the type to sit down and think of song lyrics. Alone, at least.

Wilbur sits up and hunches over the paper, grabbing his pencil again; words forming on the paper quickly. But he wasn't writing "song lyrics", hell he couldn't even think of anything.

"Hm" Wilbur hummed. "fuckin- whatever" he huffed, ripping the paper and crumbling into a small ball. He threw it to his side.

The brunette leaned his head back, closing his eyes and sighing again. Whatever he thought of he didn't like, so he decided to give it up.

Wilbur picked up his phone and rung tommy. Despite the fact it was about midnight.

"tom" wilbur said whenever he answered. "whats up?" "im writing and i need help. come over? snacks and breakfast on me" silence filled the call line for a few beats; he waited for an answer. "dumbass, i would but I cant" tommy chuckled.

"why not," wil asked. "I'll pick you up. or buy you a cab or whatever else." "gosh, wil. did you forget im a 17 year old who still lives with his parents and would never be allowed out at this hour?"

fuck. cons of Tommy still not being to move out: strict-ish parents. at least his mom's strict. Wilbur barley knows about Tommys dad, but he knows he's involved. they've made exceptions for people like Wilbur, or phil. but barley. most of the shit they do is thin ice.

"sneak out bozo" Wilbur could feel a small grin forming on his face, but it dropped quickly. "pfttt, no." "yes," wilbur protested.

tommy stayed silent. "you wanna come, right? it'd be fun." Tommy sighed. "if i get caught im reporting you"

"the fuck you mean 'report me'? your gonna tell the police i kidnapped you?" wilbur laughed. "i ment to my parents stupid. tho they'll most likely not care for it" "yeah yeah just come on and don't die. call me whenever your outside."

tommy made a nervous laugh that turned into a sigh. "kay"

A/N: the rest of the chapters are gonna be first person since i was too lazy to re-write this one to first person. and longer, i swear. Also, whenever the chapter has either tommy or wilburs name as the chapter title its their pov. if not it'll be the number of the chapter , aka 3rd person. enjoy

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