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A/N: Okay since I can't decide on anything all the chapters are now gonna be third person, mb yall


"hey, phil, what if we build it over there? by those trees" Tommy suggests. "Wouldn't you wanna build a base at open ground so you'd, y'know, have more room to build?" "shhh bee boy," Tommy shushed. Phil chuckled. "Lets make it by that little pond. Chat seems to want it over there" Phil informs.

"your such a bitch for your chat" Tommy says walking with Tubbo and Phil over to the small pond. "what?" Phil wheezes. "Anyway, Tubbo, can I have my pic back?" "I'll give it to you later" "you said that 10 minutes ago" Tubbo fell silent. "gaslighter"


"Boys, quit. Give 'em his picaxe, Tubbo" "yeah toby" Tubbo gives in with a sigh and drops it for Tommy. "thanks bee boy" "why do you call me that now?" "hmm dunno. I'll get wood for the base"

Tommy wonders off and starts cutting down trees, but stops seeing Wilbur had just messaged him. Tommy goes onto his other monitor to see what Wilbur said and a wave of confusion hits him in the face as he begins typing.

"Tommy, you there?" Tommy's attention goes back to minecraft, "oh yeah my bad, anyway. We should totally get a pet" He suggests as he grabs more wood, leaving his sentence to Wilbur unfinished and brushed off whenever he went back to the server him, tubbo, and phil were in.


Wilbur eyebrows lifted as he saw Tommy was typing, but to no avail he stopped. Maybe he freaked him out? He could've just said hi, or a simple 'whats up?'.

Wilbur walked into his kitchen and grabbed another cigarette, his second one today. He stepped out his back door and grabbed the lighter and lit the cigarette. He placed the lighter back under the steps in a small crevice.

Ever since he woke up he's been shook by his horrible dream. But at least its over now, and Tommy's okay.

Wilbur blew the smoke from his mouth and sat down and leaned against his door.

What now? He couldn't stay huddled up in his blanket dreading falling asleep all day, he couldn't drown himself with packs of cigarettes while trying to use them as a pathetic distraction, he couldn't wrap his arms around Tommy and feel the skin under wilburs fingertips to have a hint of clarification that he was okay. And its not like wilbur would do that anyway.

his skin tingled. the brit soon finished the cigarette and threw it in a bin beside the stairs that had old other cigarettes in it. wilbur sighed and went back into his room and stared outside his window. Maybe another cigarette would be okay? No, wilbur yelled inside his head. Something else

The brunette put on a hoodie and some shoes. He closed his front door and locked it, hiding his keys under a rock quickly. He walked south down the chipped sidewalk. Maybe some fresh air could sooth his mind.

He walked to the beach, along the pebbles, then down to where he was almost at the water. He sat down, sighing as he closed his eyes. Wilbur rubbed his eyes and re-opened them, looking at the water that went on for miles.

The clouds were dark and the air was chilly, bur not to chilly, and a little moist. The best weather, the perfect weather. Wilbur went to reach for his phone but was greeted with empty pockets. Whatever, he needed some time alone like this.

Wilbur laid on his back. He stared at the slow moving cloud and observed them. He noticed how they filled the sky and blocked out any hint of sunlight, and how they were to crowded to be able to make them out as anything.

his eyes drifted shut. he laid down peacefully for a few long minutes with his mind blank, bur he couldn't just fall asleep at a beach. 

Tommy sighed, leaning back in his chair. Him Tubbo and Phil just finished up some minecraft, after 3 long hours. He twitched with his hands while he stared at his monitor.

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