You Love me?

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" I love you"
That completely caught Katya off guard he wasn't expecting Trixie to say that to him in the 7 years of being best friends.
Trixie always struggled to say or show Love Trixie was a reserved person who struggled to understand the meaning of Love.
So when he said " I love you" to Katya it was a complete shock.
Katya just stared at Trixie and smiled and pulled Trixie into a hug and kissed all over Trixie's face and rubbing his back.
" I love you too baby so much " Katya replied and just held Trixie. Trixie just giggled and hugged Katya back and said " your the best Kat " and Katya just replied by kissing Trixie's neck and biting softly on the skin.
Trixie hummed happily and both of them pulled away and went back inside  and you can guess what happens next ;).

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