Chapter 3

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Once again, you made your way to work after doing your usual routine. Only this time, you looked like shit.
The bags under your eyes were clearly visible, because of the almost sleepless nights you had because of the thoughts racing through your head. It's been about 3 days now since you almost got locked in the pizzaplex.

You got in the elevator and went to Bonnie Bowl. Once again, you put on your apron and began ringing up customers as usual. You had enough time to plan out what you'd do after your shift today.
You brought a bag to work today, full of supplies to stay the night here. The bag had a change of darker clothes as well as some snacks and a charger, incase your phone ran out of battery.

You felt really tired, but it was mandatory of you to put on a smile, even if you had an awful customer.
Preparing the orders wasn't always easy, especially with picky customers, but it was fun nonetheless.

It was about 5:30 PM when you finally saw her. There were no new customers around and you could use a 10 minute break, plus some of the flavours needed restocking. She waved at you from a distance, this time acctually approaching you when you waved back.

You leaned over the serving desk, supporting your head with your hand as you looked up at her. She looked normal today, it seemed that that stare was long gone, together with her cold voice when she spoke.

Vanessa: "Hey Y/N! How are you doing today?"

Y/N: "I'm alright, just really tired. Stayed up all night working on something, y'know how it is."
You were technically telling the truth, but you definitely can't tell her the actual thing you were working, or preparing for.

Vanessa: "Yeah..I do"
She looked over to the side, as if thinking about something.

Vanessa: "Anyhow, I brought us these!"
She was holding two cans of fizzy - fazz, one of them was your favourite flavour.

Y/N: "Aww, thank you!"
You said as she handed them to you.

Y/N: "Y'know, it's about time for my break and I need to restash some of the flavours we have here up front so I don't run out, wanna come with me?"

Vanessa: "Of course, I'll help if you need me to."

Y/N: "No need, I can do it by myself."

Vanessa just gave you a slight smile along with a laugh, as she followed you into the back.
She watched you stash some boxes and bring them to the front of the parlor and because there still weren't any customers, you two decided to sit in the back and drink the fizzy - fazz together.

You were both sitting on the ground, drinking out of your cans and talking about your work stories, but also couldn't help but talk about your interests.

Y/N: "..And that's what basically happened in the bite of 87'."

Vanessa: "Damn, still think it's kinda weird that you'd play the same games that made the company you work for look bad."

Y/N: "Hey! Don't look at me like that! They're fun!"
You looked at her with a hint of frustration, but then you both started giggling like little children.

You felt significantly more tired and started wondering if you were even going to stay the night afterall. You solemnly looked at your drink, a little was still left at the bottom. You took one last sip and then crunched the can with your hands, getting up.
Maybe it was the tiredness speaking, but you swore it tasted just a bit off.
Vanessa quickly followed, only she already finished drinking hers a while ago.

Y/N: "We should get back to work. I bet there's already a big line of people waiting outside."

Vanessa: "Yeah, I should do another circle around the plex, but it was nice talking with you again though."
She looked at you with a cheery smile, while you replied with a tired one.

Vanessa: "Y/N, are you okay? Do you need me to call someone?"
She looked worried now, you almost didn't catch the change of her expression. You felt woozy.

Y/N: "Yes...yes I'm alright..I'm just really tired. Don't worry, I'll be better tomorrow."
Vanessa slowly put her hand around you, giving you a hug.

Vanessa: "Y/N, you know I care about you. If there's anything you need to talk about, I'll always be here for you."
She sounded genuine. You almost got teared up. And in that moment, you decided you wouldn't stay. Maybe she was just tired and didn't want you to get trapped that night. Maybe the scream was just your imagination.
The hug lasted for way too long, but you didn't mind. You really needed one.

Y/N: "Thank you Ness. You can come to me aswell."
You held onto her for a little longer, before letting go and picking up a box.

Y/N: "I'll see you after work, okay?"
You said to her before turning towards the door and heading out with the box in hand. There wasn't anything important in the box, you just needed to look busy so the customers wouldn't get mad about waiting.

You took your place at the parlor again, starting to ring up the first customer in line when Vanessa exited the back area, waving a goodbye and smiling. You smiled back and went back to work.


Y/N: "alright, so 2 'Chica - Cones' and a single 'Monty - Mash' ?"
You asked the customer, hovering over the 'enter' button on the cash register.

"Yes, that would be it."

Y/N: "Okay, so that would be 15 dollars and 30 cents. Cash or credit?"
The customer used their card to pay and once you handed them their check, you began making their order.

Another hit of tiredness went over you. You were slowly starting to mess up the orders you were making. This isn't good. Why are you this tired? Is it something you ate?

You looked back to the register and over the whole area, looks like that should be the last customer of the evening. Noone usually orders anything at this hour anymore. Thank God.

You finished the order and started to quickly clean the area, once you were done, you quickly put up a sign saying 'parlor closed' and rushed to the backdoor.

The last thing you remember was sitting on the floor, in the corner where you previously sat with Vanessa.

'I'll just take a quick nap.'

I wrote this instead of studying for a test🧍
Anyways I'm currently trying to do 1 chapter a day, but I might take more time to push these out sometimes.

Sorry if there are any spelling error or something, english isn't my first language.

As always, thank you for reading so far, have a great day/ night!!

The Thrill - Vanny/Vanessa x Fem!Reader[Security Breach 1yr anniversary special]Where stories live. Discover now