Reunion in Grape House

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Kazuichis pov

"A body has been discovered!"

I jolted awake at the sound of that terrible announcement. Someone has been murdered? Not again. Why'd it have to happen...

Could it have been her?

The last time we spoke we had a huge argument. If she's dead I don't know how I'd live with myself.

I stepped outside to find fuyuhiko, gundam, nekumaru and surprisingly no teruteru.

"That perverts probably camping up with the girls if I had to guess" nekumaru scratched his metal head.

"I don't understand what goes on in that demented fiends mind" gundam muttered.

"Speaking of the girls I'm guessing the body's up topside" fuyuhiko pointed up.

I took off running to the elevator. My mind was racing as I continuosly pressed the button. Why did I say those things? Once again I let my paranoia get the better of me. No no no I can't lose her.

"Hold the elevator kaz" nekumaru called out as he and gundam squeezed into the elevator.

"Where's fuyuhiko?" I asked.

"No idea. That guy seems to move at his own beat" nekumaru shrugged "he'll find his own way up kaz. We need to check the girls"

"You're right" I nodded as the elevator doors shut. I tapped my foot anxiously as the numbers whizzed by.

"Hey" nekumaru placed a hand on my shoulder "she'll be ok. I promise"

"Thanks" I nodded greatfully as we reached grape house. I stepped out and immediately spotted the worried form of mahiru.

"Mahiru!" I rushed over and hugged her "I'm so sorry. I was way out of line-"

"It's ok. We both said things we shouldn't have" she hugged me back "I'm just glad it wasn't you"

We were content in each others arm, happy to be alive and together again. That is until my eyes landed on the corpse of teruteru hannamora...

Or what was left of him.

what if nagito got the knife (danganrompa what if series) Where stories live. Discover now