5) She's Listening

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Evelynn was stalking through the corridors after escaping Dovey's office, her steps furious and purposeful.

She stopped abruptly at the sound of music coming from the main hall, which is when she remembered. The girls were supposed to put on a big performance dance thing with Yara starring as the main spectacle. They'd all been given new uniforms for it too, the same azure blue of the new school with butterfly crests.

Evelynn had missed all of the choreography lessons for the strange 'dance' that seemed to be too perfectly timed with the arrival of Sophie and Agatha. They were optional after all.

She slid in through a side door to the hall, curious to watch. Evelynn remained discreet, leaning against the wall.

Girls were spinning and frolicking all over, smiling as if they were the happiest they'd ever been. Evelynn couldn't understand why they were acting in such a way, why they were so blind to the truth of the new school and its scheming Dean.

She spotted Sophie and Agatha across the room with Sader. Sophie was smiling in amazement, Agatha looked worried and frightened.

It was nice to see at least one thing that hadn't changed in Evelynn's life. Them. The bad friends that never really cared about her in the first place, but still managed to cause the majority of her problems.

She knew she had to speak to them properly eventually. Like what Dovey had said: they all wanted the same thing. Well, she'd speak to Agatha at least.

The dance was coming close to its end, Yara lifted her veil after an extravagant solo, revealing her unique features and piercing eyes.

Many girls ambushed Sophie and Agatha when they'd finished, gushing about how great the school was and about the lack of boys. From what Evelynn could see, Sophie couldn't look happier, and Agatha couldn't look more confused.

Evelynn slipped out of the door after grabbing an apple from one of the food tables in the hall, tossing it in her hand as she started walking up the stairs.


She stopped at the voice, turning to see a flushed-faced Agatha staring up at her.

Evelynn bit into her apple.

"Look, I know you're angry with me." Agatha slowly approached her, lifting her hands as if surrendering.


"But, I know we need to stick together to sort this out..."

Evelynn shrugged. "It's not really my problem to solve."

Agatha stopped, now level with Evelynn on the stairs. "But it is. I was in Dovey's office with you Lynn, I know how scared you are about your fairytale. Just like me."

Evelynn took another bite of her apple, unimpressed. "Tell me from the beginning Agatha, how did you get back to the school."

Agatha grimaced, her gaze dropping. "It's my fault, I feel awful about it."

"Go on."

"Back in Gavaldon it was fine, everything was...fine. But- I wasn't...fine. Sophie was having the time of her life, we had our 5 minutes of fame but I felt that something was missing."

Evelynn's annoyed expression melted away, her intrigue growing at Agatha's every word.

"I got my finger glow back. That wasn't supposed to happen. After it did, Sophie started getting ambushed by arrows, cannonballs, and knives every night. She was only safe in the church. It was horrible. The villagers lost their houses."

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