Chapter 1

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"What if I just don't go to the party tonight?" I said that knowing damn well there would be alcohol and closeted women who want nothing more than to not fake it for a night.

"We all know that's not true; you want to get drunk and sleep with Allie Rose, so get up and get ready."

"I don't even like Allie like that, plus she's also my boss and she's also someone who you don't want to sleep with if you want to keep your job."

"Tell me about one time that has ever stopped you," she asks, smiling

I hate that my best friend knew me better than I knew myself. I sat in my bed full of clothes, thinking about the fact that my room is gross, I've missed 3 days of work, and I can't even get out of my bed to shower.

How in the world does she expect me to get Allie freaking Rose to come home with me? I highly doubt she'll even go out today.

"Allie can get a grip on her sexuality before she comes home with me—plus, I'm tired of hiding things from people. I don't wanna sleep with someone from the office anyways; there is too much drama, and I don't have time for relationships." I mean, everything I said was at least true.

"You know you don't have to be a dick, and if not for sleeping with her, at least come to get drunk with me," she said as she smiled.

"I'll be the designated driver this time." I'm always the driver, but it's only because she would get hurt if I didn't, and that can't happen.

"Where are we going? Start getting ready if you tell me it's a good place."

"It's the Rouge Nightclub, you know, the one where you got so shitfaced drunk you puked on the bouncer right as he was kicking you out."

How in actual hell am I supposed to remember a night that she described me as "shitfaced"? Bella doesn't use any common sense sometimes.

"No, I don't know Bella; I don't. Did we have a lot of fun?" I asked while smiling, knowing it would take her a second to process.

One Mississippi...

Two missis-

"Hey, that's not very funny," she says as she begins to leave my room. "Make sure to dress like a whore or you're fake!" It's so distant that I can't even really hear her.


I look around my gross room. And of course, all my nice stuff is everywhere on the floor, covered in who knows what. I get out of bed to start cleaning. I put the romance books I have on the floor on my bookshelf. I clean most of the clothes on my floor. My journaling stuff on my desk is so scattered that I organized it more than I normally would.

Gosh, if a man or a woman came into my room tonight and saw this, I'd probably scare them off with the cleanness and the dirtiness combined. I go back to bed, worn out from cleaning close to nothing, and just lay around.

I decided to start looking on Pinterest for outfits to wear. I'm scrolling and scrolling.

"I can't find anything" is the first thought that comes into my head, and then I see it. It's perfect.

I run straight to my closet to see if I have the parts of the outfit I need for this look to be good. I grab my leather jacket off the rack. I bend down to look into my dresser under my shirts and jackets and open the top drawer. I grab my black corset top and then open the drawer under it to grab my black leather pants.

I lay them out like I would if I were getting ready for bed, and then I walk to my bedroom door, and it opens before I can even put my hand on the doorknob.

"I need you to shower before we leave as well because, in all honesty, you smell really bad." Bella says this while smiling, knowing I was about to get in the shower.

"I do not." Yes, I do. I can smell the bad odor coming off me just by standing here.

"Vienna Ivy Gray, if you don't get into that shower soon and get rid of your nasty odor, I will go batshit crazy." She really brought out my middle name.

"Bitches be bonkers."

"I WILL MURDER YOU, VIENNA IVY GRAY." She's not going to do anything. She's too soft and too sweet for that.

"Oh please, you'd murder me only to realize you couldn't live without me because no one else would humble you about your type in guys," I say while smiling because she just opens her mouth like she's going to say something, but instead, she turns and walks away.

I quickly turn back around to the closet, grab my towel, run straight into the bathroom and turn on Spotify.

"Gorgeous" by Taylor Swift starts playing. I immediately start singing, because who wouldn't? It's Taylor Swift, and it's also her best song.


Hey guys! I wanted to say thank you for reading my book and yes I know it's kinda bad as of right now but when I get a lot more help with editing I will make it better.

Word count: 900

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