CR: AotGG Ep 1: The Very Start Part 1

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Summary: This is the story of how the Gingerbread Gang met and how they start their adventures.

In a Witch's house within Beldambia, this witch is baking gingerbread cookies so she can eat them when there are no children around to devour. But she misses the time when she kidnaps children to gobble them up. So, to keep the memory alive, she brought the Cookies alive with the Life Power that can make any food or anything come to life.

But one day, as her Cookies were baking and she was taking a nap, one of them came to life after the oven turned off when all of the Cookies stopped baking. His name is GingerBrave. He quickly took this opportunity to escape the house. He gets to the door of the oven and kicks it down to open it.

"Eh, what?! What was that?!" the Witch's voice was heard.

"Oh, cookie crumbs! I better hide," said GingerBrave, before he lands in a bowl of candy canes.

When the witch got to her oven, she said, "My Cookies are done. But how did my oven get open?"

As she takes out the Cookies, GingerBrave pokes his head out the jar to watch.

"What is that thing? It looks weird and nasty," GingerBrave commented about the witch.

Then GingerBrave sees two books titled "Witch 101" and "Magic Cookie Recipes".

"I'm guessing this giant thing is a witch, and I'm a Cookie," said GingerBrave, before licking a candy cane.

But when he sees the Witch eating the Cookies and Cookies start to scream in horror, GingerBrave shutters in fear as he's traumatized from the sight.

"If there are two things I know, this Witch is bad news, and I'm on the menu," said GingerBrave.

"Wait, there's one Cookie missing. It got to be around here somewhere," said the Witch, notices that GingerBrave is nowhere to be seen.

GingerBrave quickly got out of the bowl with a candy cane in hand and said, "I can't go anywhere without defending myself."

He then spots a jar of chocolate chips and sees Choco Drop crying.

When the two caught eye with each other, Choco Drop began to bark at GingerBrave for help like a puppy.

Since GingerBrave found him cute, he said, "You poor cute chocolate chip. I'll get you out of there."

When GingerBrave uses his candycane to smash the jar open, many chocolate chips spilled on the floor. Choco Drop then thanks GingerBrave by pouncing on him and licks his face.

"Aw, you're welcome, cutie," said GingerBrave, pets Choco Drop.

"Aha! There you are, you tasty little morsel," said the Witch before she slips on the chocolate chips and falls.

When GingerBrave sees a mouse hole, he picks up Choco Drop and runs to the spot.

When they get inside the hole, GingerBrave hyperventilates while holding Choco Drop like a baby.

"That was close. Am I right, chocolate cutie?" GingerBrave said, holds Choco Drop to his face.

After Choco Drop licks GingerBrave's face, GingerBrave sits down and says, "You know since that Witch will want to devour the both of us, we should stick together. How about we come up with names?"

When Choco Drop sits on GingerBrave's lap, GingerBrave says, "Hmm, you're a chocolate chip and shaped like a drop. That's it! I'll call you Choco Drop. Is that good?"

When Choco Drop barks happily, GingerBrave responds, "I take that as a yes. Oh, wait. I realize that I don't have a name."

But then a smell caught GingerBrave's nose, so he and Choco Drop look to see the Witch opening a window, and the sunlight is baking a female Cookie called GingerBright on a pan.

🍪Adventures of the Gingerbread Gang: The Cookie Run Animated Series [Season 1]🌈Where stories live. Discover now