Maddi's Tales Part One Part Two

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When we got there I was greeted by the worst possible thing right now. Downworlders. Luckily some of them were smart enough to use glamour, others though, didn't. Luckily, once again, it wasn't noticeable. There was just the really harry guy and the girl with paper pale skin obviously drinking blood. To make sure Theo didn't notice any of them, I used magic to hide the most obvious from his eyes. That'll do for now.

When we got to our table The waitress handed us our menus. I knew the waitress so she made sure Theo got the mundane menu. She was a nice pixie who just looked really short. Kind of like Rachel. Except Rachel isn't a pixie, she's just really short.

Theo eyed the people around him, but there wasn't anyone who caught his attention. He looked like a doe. It was adorable. I giggled involuntary. "What's so funny?" he asked.

"You. You look lost and afraid. It's cute."

"I'm not afraid. I've just never been here."

"Don't worry. I got you." Now it was his turn to laugh. The waitress returned with our drinks soon after. We talked and everything was fine until she just had to forget their glamour. She came up to us. "Maddi! I haven't seen you in so long!" April was a friend of mine. She was a Warlock, so obviously she had a mark. Sadly for me, hers is a lot more noticeable than mine.

"April! It's nice to see you." Now please put some glamour on. "How have you been?"

"It's going great. I just got a shipment in of some new potion bottles. You should come check them out." Can't she tell he's a mundane yet? He's looking at her like she's insane, shouldn't that tell her to shut up? "Well I have to run. It was nice seeing you!" She walked away and I smiled, but I wanted to strangle her for being so oblivious. It couldn't have been that hard to figure out.

"What was wrong with her eyes? They were just white, and the world's smallest slit for a pupil. And what does she need the potion bottles for?" Without thinking I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Cosplay. She does cosplay. It's for some character she's doing and she likes scaring people with her contacts." I said it all so fast I'm not sure if he understood.

"Okay? Wow everyone you know is really active at this time," he said jokingly. "Is that our food I see? I think that's our food." At that moment I thanked every Angel in existence. Something to change the subject was exactly what I needed. The waitress placed our food on the table and left again, dropping a cheeky wink at me then pointing at Theo. Theo quickly forgot about his encounter with April and started to eat. Hopefully the waitress didn't enchant my food to screw with me. That'd be hard to cover up. It would be hard to cover up though because if I were to get rid of it, I'd have to use magic. Which would also be hard to explain. I really would like for him to not know about magic at the moment. It would be too much for him. He'd think that I'm weird and not supposed to exist. Well I technically aren't because of the black magic, but I don't want him knowing that.

After we ate we started walking around the streets. It's was quiet and my aunt, uncles, and dad are taking care of the demons tonight. They'll do fine. Plus we have plenty of time before I needed to go home.

There was no moon tonight, but that didn't mean it was dark. Actually, quite the opposite. It was still bright and alive. People talking and cars driving by made me feel safe. Knowing that the demons are taken care of makes me feel even better because I won't have to use the dagger strapped to my calve. Best part is that Theo is safe. He'll probably deny that he needs my protection, but honestly he does. There's no way in hell that he can take on a demon. Or any Downworlder.

"Hey Maddi. Long time no see." FUCK. FUCK NO NOT THEM. THEY CAN FUCK OFF.

I tried to act cherry, and not like I hated their guts. "Clarence! Gang! Hello! How you've been!" Clarence and his gang of...followers? I don't know what to call them. I've never gotten along with them. They're the type of guys that do drugs then brag about it to their several girlfriends like they're something special. In short, they're Downworlder fuckboys. One time Rachel and I were so sick of them that we thought it would be funny to sabotage their drug deal. At the moment little bags of cocaine flying in the air seemed funny. They're all talk anyways. They've never done anything to anyone.

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