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"did you pack everything?" minho asked, starting the car.

"mhm yes" he replied, "are you sure you want to drive the whole way?"

"yeah i don't mind, i like driving" he was focused on the road as they drove down the road.

jisung sighed, this was probably their last trip for a while as he'd be going back to school in a few weeks, "summer went so fast.."

"i'm gonna miss you" the brunette added, frowning as he remembered minho wasn't going back with him. "i can't believe i'll only see you in the holidays.."

"oh um.." minho started, "i might've found a way for me to go back with you.."

jisungs face lit up, "what? are you being serious?"

he nodded, "yeah..the schools offering teacher training for ex students and i applied, it's only a year long and after the first two months, they'll pay me"

"minho that's great!" he was so happy, "did you get accepted?"

"yeah i did..i got an email last night" minho smiled, resting his hand on jisungs thigh. "i'll be helping the art and dance departments"

"it's weird though..i'd be your teacher" he added.

"assistant teacher..so it's not that bad" jisung said.

"surely there's a rule against banging your assistant teacher" both the boys laughed, it was a bit strange.

"okay it's weird, but at least i'll get to see you" the brunette smiled, maybe next year would be as good as this one.


when they arrived at the campsite, jisung was surprised to see that they weren't actually staying in a tent, instead, minho had rented out a small cabin in the middle of the woods which was surrounded by trees.

"this is so cool" jisung said as he saw the big window in front of the bed, "you can see the whole forest"

minho smiled at his boyfriends reaction, "i'm glad you like it"

"why aren't we staying in a tent?" he asked, walking over to minho.

"this is more comfortable..and private" he replied, "the campsite for the tents is on the other side and it's not as pretty as this"

he rested his hands on the brunettes waist, pulling him closer, "i want the last trip of our summer to be memorable"

"i won't be forgetting about this any time soon minho" he smiled again.

"god i love your smile.." he quickly kissed him, "i love everything about you...i'm so glad we did this jisung, i'm so glad you're mine"

"i know this wasn't the best idea but jisung this is the happiest i've ever been.." jisung couldn't stop smiling, he loved minho so much. "you're all mine hannie"

"i'm all yours love" he shut his eyes as minho leaned down and kissed him. 

this was definitely going to be memorable.


so..next chap might be the last? haha

wanna be yours ; hjs+lmhWhere stories live. Discover now