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minho shut the bedroom door and walked out, "he's finally asleep.." he leaned against the door. "you can go back inside now"

felix nodded, "thanks" he said quietly, minho almost didn't hear him, "i didn't know what to do, it's never been that bad before"

"it's difficult to explain but i think he just needs someone there..someone to comfort him and tell him he's not alone"

felix shrugged, "i don't know, i think he just needed you"

minho smiled awkwardly, "maybe.."

they stood in silence for a bit, not really knowing what to say. minho avoided eye contact with his brother and pretended to be interested in the random patterns on the ceiling.

felix decided to speak up when it got too awkward.

"i'm sorry" he looked up at his brother, "i'm sorry for being such an asshole..i shouldn't have punched you"

"it's alright lix, i'm not angry about that" he went and sat next to felix on the stairs, "i'm sorry too"

"you shouldn't be the one apologising..i literally blamed you for so many years and it wasn't even your fault" he scoffed, "i'm so fucking stupid"

"..it's not your fault our parents are horrible" felix said, "and it's definitely not your fault that they hurt me"

minho placed his hand on his shoulder, "lix it's okay-"

"no it's not okay, stop being so nice..nothing about the way i treated you is okay.." he wiped the tears that stained his cheeks, "i'm just like them"

"you're nothing like them felix" minho reassured him.

felix sobbed, "but i a-am! i hurt you and i scream at you..a-and i tried to force you away from your boyfriend"

minho moved closer and wrapped his arm around felix, "you're not like them" he said as felix placed his head on his shoulder, still crying.

"i'm a terrible brother and a terrible friend..i shouldn't try to take you away from jisung, he o-obviously needs you and you need him"

"i'm so sorry minho" he said in between sobs, "s-so sorry.."

"i'm sorry too, i should've helped you get out" he apologised, "i shouldn't have left you there.."

felix wiped his own tears and sighed, "i forgive you min..j-just don't leave me alone again"

minho ruffled his hair, "i won't felix, i promise i won't"

he lifted his head up and looked minho dead in the eyes, "d-don't leave jisung either" he watched as minhos face lit up, "stay with him, please"

"wait..really?" he didn't know what to say, "you're okay with me dating him?"

the blonde nodded, "just don't break his heart, i'll kill you if you hurt him" he threatened, "he loves you min..i can't force him to stop loving you"

"i won't hurt him.." minho smiled, "i love him


when jisung woke up, he started panicking as he didn't see minho by his side, he called out for the boy over and over again until the bedroom door opened and minho came running in, "i'm right here.." he said as he pulled jisung in for a hug.

"w-where did you go" he asked as he pressed his forehead against minhos chest.

"i was just sitting outside with lix..why did you wake up?" jisung had only slept for about half an hour, "you barely slept"

"i got scared again.." he frowned, he felt so exhausted.

"there's no need to be scared ji, i've got you" minho said softly, "do you want me to spend the night here?"

"yeah but i don't know if felix will be okay with that" jisung lifted his head up.

"he'll be okay with it, trust me" minho reassured him with a smile, "let's try to get back to sleep hm?"

jisung nodded, "yeah.."


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