1- For Daisy!?!??

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It was a normal day at school.

Absolutely nothing was out of the ordinary. It was one of those days which end up blurring into one as nothing memorable or interesting happens. The lessons were mundane and the conversations he had were light-hearted and meaningless. Obviously, he didn't expect lunchtime to be much different.

They were sat at their usual table, 'they' referring to Henry, Liam, Jake and himself, talking about the usual stuff. Then Jake said something.

"So.. I, uhh, I kind of, sort of, joined the music club..."

"YOU DID WHAT???" The other three yelled in unison.

Drew couldn't believe it. The music freaks had been subject to plenty of (mostly) verbal harassment from the group, and now Jake was joining them??? Why!?!? He couldn't see a good reason as to why anyone would embarrass themselves on stage with those freaks.

"Wait, here me out. I know what you're thinking, but there's a reasonable explanation!!!"


Obviously, he didn't say that aloud. Instead he watered it down to, "You seriously ditched us yesterday to audition for the music freak club!?"

"I can't wait to hear this!!" Liam remarked.

Jake took a breath before he spoke, "Look it's... Daisy."


Jake had liked Daisy for as long as Drew had known him. Which wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that he was literally in love with him. Having to hear you straight best-friend, whom you are hopelessly in love with, talk about their crush is a pain Drew wished on NO ONE.

Is he seriously so obsessed with Daisy that he joined the music freaks!?!? That girl has him wrapped around her pinky finger. What else would he do if she asked? Strip down butt naked in public??

He said something similar out loud.

The conversation continued on. Drew was talking with them, contributing his opinion, but at the same time he felt distant. After a small amount of time, Jake left the table. Apparently he had music practice during lunch.

"Can you believe him?" He found himself commenting to Henry and Liam. "Joining those music freaks just to impress Daisy. What's so impressive about it anyway? It's not like I had to embarrass myself on stage to get Zoey to like me!!" He paused. "Then again I could probably get any girl I wanted."

Zoey was his girlfriend. You might be wondering why he has one of those since he's, y'know, gay. The answer was simple. He didn't want other students, his parents, or worst of all Jake to suspect something. It might sound cruel, leading a girl on, but Zoey never liked him for anything more than his money anyways.

Both Henry and Liam gave him a weird look after he said that. It was obvious that they both thought Drew was completely unaware of Zoey and her gold-digging ways. He didn't correct them. That is what he wanted them to believe after all.


After school, he went home and lay down on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

His thoughts quickly started to spiral. Jake had chose to audition for the music club instead of hanging out with him. What if Jake continues to chose the club over him in the future?? Is it possible that those freaks could steal Jake from him??

Yeah right! Hell will freeze over before that little gang of weirdos manage to steal Jake from me!! I'm better than them in every way!! Yeah.. that's right. The music freaks, Daisy and any other person who tries to take Jake from me can fucking suck it. He belongs to me. He's mine.

Jake was his best-friend and anyone who tries to change that will pay.


words: 650

sorry if its kinda short haha. I'll try to make longer chapters in the future!!

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