Dream Is Tired

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The Star Sans ate their tacos, courtesy of Blue, in silence. Well, Blue and Dream are in silence while Ink loudly ranted about his day. Dream was only half listening as he planned out what he wanted to do for the rest of the day. The kids are on a school trip so he doesn't need to go home for the next two days. 'Maybe I can visit, Lust? He said he wants an excuse to leave his AU without getting in trouble…….' 

"AND CAN YOU BELIEVE THE NERVE OF THAT ASSHOLE?! HE LITERALLY DESTROYED THE WHOLE AU AND GOES, 'oops. Not sorry' BEFORE CLAIMING IT'S MY FAULT HE DESTROYED IT!!" Ink's shouting interrupted his musings. "What? Who destroyed something this time?" Ink turns to him with the most offended look ever, "How else would I rant about for an hour straight?!" He and Blue look at each other and sip their tea before Blue starts, "Well, let's see. There was that one time you yelled at Reaper for an hour because he left his AU for too long. Before then spending another hour yelling your frustrations at us." 

"Then there was that time you spent 2 and a half hours ranting because something in Oceantale didn't go the way it was supposed to." 

"Or how about-" 

"OK, I get it! Damn!" Ink yelled looking like a pride flag. Dream then realized he's spent too much time on the surface if he knows what a pride flag is. Ink slams his head on the table and groans, "Are you sure he wasn't in Outertale when you arrived?" Dream sighed, this again. Inks asked him about this like 10 ten times already, he's about to blow. "Yes, I was walking and kicking stones when I was in Outertale until I stumbled into the clearing." He didn't lie technically he just left out a few important details, like for example he kicked Error in the head with a pebble on accident. Ink only looks at him with a question mark. 

Dream sighs again, Ink should know that making a cute face isn't going to change his answer. He pushes away his now-empty plate before standing up and walking to the sink. "Are you leaving now?" Blue asked, also getting up. "Yes," 

"Where?" They turn to Ink, whose question mark is now red. "Where are you going this time, Dream?" Blue tenses up looking back and forth between them. They argued 2 hours ago, Blue most likely didn't want to hear another one so soon. "Somewhere, Ink. Why does that seem to bother you?" Ok, not the best answer but, Dream at this moment couldn't care less. "Because What if something happens and I need you two?" 

"Well, that sounds like a you problem." Blue choked behind him as Dream lightly pulled him towards the door. "We gave you multiple methods of contacting us, you either forgot them or lost them. Check your somehow endless scarf to see if you can find one." He then closes the door as they walk outside the house. "Did you want to go home, Blue?" Dream asks turning to Blue, who only glances between him and the house before nodding. "Yeah, I was going to ask you if you could take me home," Blue says, Dream then remembered that Blue can't teleport across the AUs by himself. While yes, Sanses can teleport, not all can travel to different AUs by themselves without some help.

Blue and the Murder Trio fall in that category. Though it looks like they can, they actually were teleported there by either Nightmare or Error. Dream smiles and nods before teleporting to Underswap. He looks around for a second observing their surroundings. He had teleported in front of Blue and Carrot's house. Yes, he calls Blue's brother Carrot, his face is hilarious whenever he does that. "Thanks, Dream. See you soon!!" Blue waves his hand with a bright smile before walking into his house. Dream smiles and waves for a second before he starts coughing. He moves his hand away from his mouth to see black goo with a yellow outline on his hand. 

Guess he's not seeing Lust today. Dream sighs in disappointment before teleporting away to Science's Lab. 

Error went back to his usual spot hesitantly. He didn't know what to expect when he arrived there, even though the Yellow one told him that he hit him by accident there was no telling what he might have told that Squid about him. So, he was preparing for an ambush just in case. He was surprised to find the clearing clear with no one in sight. It didn't look tampered with, it was just like how it was when he left. Minus the lack of Dream. "Did he not tell, Ink? Why?" He saw the confused and conflicted look on Dream's face yesterday. He was wondering if he should turn him in or not, he could tell that much. But, it looks like he didn't. Why? Error sighed as he sat down. He'll just have to ask him next time. 

He lays on his back and starts stargazing. He ponders his last thought for next time. He doesn't talk to him outside of battles and there they can't have full-blown normal conversations. "......I need some chocolate before I think about this shit." He says as he closes his eyes. He knows he has the time for a nap because he had asked Nightmare to send the Murder Trio a surface AU to wreak havoc. It should give him a good ten minutes. And with that, he went to sleep. 

Dream practically dragged his feet as he walked out of Science's Lab. He had more questions than usual, it left him 100% drained. He only cares about sleep right now, The base is a No as Ink is most likely still there. And he doesn't want to wake up to Ink staring at him again. And as much as he loved Lust, the thought of sleeping in Underlust makes him feel ill so, that's out. His house is also NO. Without the kids there it will be thousand times more lonely and quiet than before. So, where…






Dream suddenly had an idea. He teleports to that one place he knows Ink hates going, so he won't be there. And he feels safe enough to sleep there, the save screen. It sounds silly but, Geno is really good company and Reaper is when he isn't shouting his love for Geno to annoy him further. Dream smiled as he teleported to the Save Screen. He wasn't surprised to see Geno there reading a book. After he and Reaper realized how boring it is here, they started bringing Geno things to entertain him. "Hey, Geno how are you?" He asked walking over before laying on the only patch of grass here, it was soft. Geno looks up to him, "Helli, Dream. I'm good, how are you? " Dream shrugs, "I just got back from Science's Lab. I'm exhausted." Geno nods, "I assume you want to sleep here?" Dream nods, "Sure, go ahead." Dream didn't even hesitate, he was asleep in seconds. 

"Hah, He's been overworking himself." Geno looks up from his book to Reaper. "Yeah, I'm 99% sure he didn't even realize you were here, too." Geno looked at the light ball of sunshine in front of him. Dream has been visiting him since he accidentally found this place due to, according to him, 'Geno's high levels of negativity.' And he's been doing an amazing job cheering him on as he felt himself not wishing he would die every day. But, seeing Dream like this is making him a mixture of sadness and anger. Nobody seems to understand how much being the guardian of positivity is both mentally and physically challenging for Dream. Especially when you consider that when Dream wakes up he will feel guilty for not watching over the dreams of everyone.

Reaper looks down, he knows touching Dream wouldn't immediately kill him as it does with everyone else. So, he rubs Dream's head causing him to let out a little hmm. He smiles, "Yeah, he definitely didn't notice me. If he did he would have at least said hi or something before going to sleep." Geno sighs again, "He should take a break and go on vacation with his kids."

"Oh, yes. That sounds fun, he could bring them here as Ink hates coming to Aftertale!" Geno glass at him, "There's nothing to do here." Reaper tilts his head, "Annoying you is a good pass time."

Geno only threw his book at Reaper's skull.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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