Yakko's Mansion & Super Wakko Sunshine

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Requested by: Braydenwarren639

"Sibs? Sibs where are you?"

Yakko was walking through a dark forest, while following the footprints of his youngest siblings as he calls out to them.

It didn't take long when Yakko see the footprints of his siblings were ended up towards a huge mansion.

He thinks they have went inside to explore the place or something, but never return.

So the oldest Warner figures something isn't right and he has to go find them.

Without hesitation, the fourteen year old walks up to the large door and opens it and knocks against.

Looking around the area to see the coast is clear, he steps inside.

"Hello? Anyone here?

No response. All he heard was himself, talking to wall.


Suddenly the big door slams shot on it's own from behind, causing Yakko to scream and almost caused him to jump out of his own pants from the loud noise.

The room was pitch black, that you can't even see a thing from what's in front of you.

Luckily, Yakko got out his trusty flashlight from his pocket that he brings with him just in case and turns it on.

He points the light to see if anything change after that short black out.

It seems everything is in order, including this random painting he was looking at a second ago as he walks past it.

Going unknowst, the painting's eyes starts to slowly move, and looks to the oldest Warner's direction. What a creep of being watched.


Still no response. Not until a sound of metal was heard and the spooky sound of laughter.

Yakko quickly looks at the direction from where it's coming from to see the knights in shining armor, holding swords.

His heart was raising as he takes a step a bit.

"Y-you think the sound of moving metal from a knights armor will scare the colors outta me?"

No response.

"Yeah, that's what I thought."

But when Yakko turns around, he freezed and see's no one other than a ghost, who is staring right in front of his face.




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Yakko's Mansion


The Warners were going on a vacation around Hollywood Burbank.

They were enjoying their break, until it was spoiled when Wakko noticed an imposter of disguised the looks like himself, who was painting and polluting the entire city.

The imposter known as, Shadow Wakko was causing trouble and making nasty looking paint goos everywhere he goes. Including monsters that merged from out of them.

The citizens of Burbank saw everything and they believe it was all on the real Wakko's fault.

Wakko must clear his name that he was innocent, and clean up the entire city and save Hollywood.

Super Wakko Sunshine

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Super Wakko Sunshine

Wakko vs Shadow Wakko:

And as for Wakko along the lines, on finding out who this imposter that's amongst us really is

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And as for Wakko along the lines, on finding out who this imposter that's amongst us really is.

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