8: Someone is sad

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     "SHE just deleted her account, how do you feel now, Ney?" Luis teased me.

     Dani tapped Luis on the shoulder to join us in our conversation. "Yo, I'm guessing you're regretting not making a move,"

     My ears were soon filled with Oooohs and Boos.

     I'm not sure what happened or how this came to be. I was just selecting a photo that I thought would be useful to my colleague. But, of course, it didn't. A post tagged to me, and the chain continues.

     Well, I admit it piqued my interest, but that's beside the point. Someone I don't know is driving me insane.

     Love at first sight?

     I'd been with a lot of girls, and I knew it didn't work like that. Love at first sight is a myth. And I can back it up with my past experiences. In real life, a love story theme will never work. This is just the result of teasing. It grew on me.

     I don't even know much about her. Except for 11 magazine covers and 2 runway shows and she began modeling at the age of 14. It was on her Instagram!

     Yeah, I don't really know much.

     Puta Merda!

     "Someone is really sad, huh?" Sitting at the grassfield, Leo come up to me.
"You'll tease me like them again too?" He shakes his head.


     "WELL YEAH, LOVERBOY!" Another loads of laugh erupted.

     Oh well.

     "Well, don't worry much, Ney. You can still stalk her with this YouTube channel!"

>.< leo.

     I watched Neymar's reaction and could see his lighted mood; is he really head over heels with someone he never met? What's the matter with him? Hormones?

     "Guess who's in love again, Leo," Suárez hummed to me. That made me chuckle.

     In love... Ha!

     He's definitely sad that he can't follow her life any longer, but now that her YouTube channel is up, he'll be in the right frame of mind before the game next week.

     Rose, the girl? He stalked her on Instagram and spent time reading her blog. Last week, I caught him laughing with it.

     She's also quite private? Or did she simply limit what she wanted people to look at? Rose, the girl, went missing for months, and my boy Neymar was heartbroken then she reappeared-dissappeared after months and then a month.

     She now deleted her account. If I see Luis again, I'll make sure to remind him not to comment on Rose's photos again. It appears that our ardent supporters are to blame.  And I am fairly certain of it.

     I mean, Toxicity has no preferred location. I've learned that in many field.

     Actually, I don't have anything to say.

     Simply my inner thoughts.


     Sergio is being pursued by the owner now while running with... Neymar's phone obviously.

     He's a young man with a long journey ahead of him; it wouldn't hurt to spend some time on finding his so called soulmate. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't affect his game goals.

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