Chapter 15

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Aemonds pov 

     When I say the doors open and heard the announcer say her name a smile came to my face but it was whipped of when I saw her and how beautiful she was how she had grown to be the hottest women he had ever seen it made him hard to even think about what she looked like without her clothes on he watched as she made her way over to his father and bow her head he was surprised when his father called her up and how when she got to him she did not cower like all the other people do when they see the condition he is in it had him smile when she kissed his cheek and crotched down so he could look at her and how when he put his hand on her cheek she did not flinched she leaned in and smiled at him and when he was done she walked down and when over to hr family and smiled at the but when she turned around to face her uncle the sweet smile that was on her face mere seconds before was know cold even deadly he thought to himself as she spoke her voice held the same coldness and a man that was in the crowd came up to stand next to lord Vaemond saying that he would not tolerant her threatening his lord she simply told him off as I watcher her kill 4 men all by herself he knew that he still was just as deep if not even more in love with her as she walked back up his father and helped him to sit and rest and asked if he needed anything and the way she handled him with such care made his hear swell but when she walked back to her family he felt empty he walked back to his chamber to get ready for dinner but when he got there he just sat down and looked at the fire thinking about her she would not leave his mide no matter how much he tried when he realized he had been sitting there for almost 40 minutes he got up and removed his clothes and then got dressed he was walking to the dinning room when he heard a loud scream come from his sisters room he ran to her room and slammed the door open with two gardes when he saw Vernerya in his sisters room and when she turned her head to see who it was when she made eye contact with me she smiled but I did not return it at this her smile turned sad as she looked back to Helena he cursed at himself for making her smile faltered but he snapped out of it when when Helena called him over he walked over to her to lookat what she was holding it was a butterfly with the mose vibrant blue he had ever seen when Helena asked how many jars there where Vernerya smiled and said 24 his sister just jushed at them and started pulling them all out and putting them on the table he turned to Vernerya when she said his name it made his heart warm when she said it with so much care and gentleness she pulled out a box from her pocket had handed it to him he opened it and to say he was shocked would be an understatement she spoke again it's Velaryon steal by the way before he could even say anything Helena grabbed her hand and dragged her out out of the room to head to dinner he just stood there before going to his room to take out his old dagger and replace it with the new one she had just given to him after that he made his way to the dining room she was smiling and laughing when she saw me she smiled brightly but when I did not share one back she looked away sad he again cursed himself for making her sad dinner was going well till Luke started laughing as a pig was placed in front of me I was so mad I didnt even thing befor I made a toast calling them strong before I new it I was pushing Jace off me and watched as Vernerya punched Agon in the face and made her way over to me and Jace when she stood in front of me she was punched by Jace he wanted to beat him to death for punching his love but just stood there and did nothing but look at her unsure of what to do but she just stood up and kissed Helenas cheek and looked at her saying that she was okay and smiled at her as she mad her way to kiss her grandmothers and mothers cheek and then left I soon left soon after too and when to my chambers to think after and hour of debating on what to do he when to his mothers chambers after he heard his mothers okay to come in he opened the door to not only see his mother but Rhynaera to she stood up and said I'll leave you two to talke before she could move I said actually could you stay I have a matter that I think you would like to her she just sat back down as he closed the door behind him and walked over to the cher that was opposite of the couch that the two women were sitting on so he could face them as I started to talk say how I would like to be betrothed to Vernerya they both looked at eachother and turn back to me my mother was the one who was the one to speak we were actually just talking about that and we think it would be a wonderful idea and we just need Vernerya herself to agree and then we would start to plan the wedding we were thinking we would talk to you and her tomorrow but we she that know we just need to talk to her about if I nodded as we talked about a few more things before I left after about and hour of waiting I took the secret passageways and when to her room before I could say anything she spoke we had a small conversation and after I left and when to my room I could not stop thinking about the fact she was still wearing the necklace he had given to her almost 10 years ago and she not only still had it but still wore it to made him the happiest man on earth 

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