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Wow! Two chapters back to back? This is probably the fasted upload I've ever done after a chapter, even though this chapter is 4500+ words.

Who knows, maybe I'll have another one by tomorrow. (Doubt but might try)



There we all stood on the balcony, staring off into the distance at smoke from a fire.

"It can't be. Is it?" Yasmina stared astonished.

"I'm seeing it, too," Brooklynn said.

"That is most def a bonfire." Kenji leaned toward the edge.

"People. People!" Sammy grabbed Yasmina's shoulders.

"Someone caught our SOS signal!" I put my hand over my forehead, staring in shock.

"Let's go find them." Darius turned to us. "It's time to go home!"

We ran through the jungle, shouting and cheering. We left the tree house in a hurry but brought weapons with us in case we ran into dinosaurs. 

"Oh, we're almost there. I can feel it," Sammy smiled. Brooklynn jumped to a tree, quickly climbing up as she looked around.

"Yes! We're getting closer." She yelled below, hurrying off the tree.

We all turned to each, shouting and smiling. We continued through the jungle, taking turns climbing up trees to make sure we were going in the right direction. 

"Come on! We're so close!" Darius jumped over a log.

"Oh, it's real!" Yasmina panted.

"Guys, we're going home!" Brooklynn shouted.

It was my turn to climb up the tree as we stopped to breath. I jumped onto the tree, climbing onto a branch. I lift myself up, looking out for the smoke. I searched around in the jungle, looking around the trees.

My wide smile slowly dropped as I couldn't find the smoke. No matter how much I squinted my eyes or blinked them rapidly, there was nothing.

"The bonfire, it's gone," I said as I climbed down.

The group stared at me in disbelief, a gasping escaping Brooklynn. 

"What if they left?" Sammy looked down, "What if the people who came to save us gave up and we missed our chance?"

We all turned at each other, a defeated sad look on our faces. The realization that we might say stuck here forever started to settle in.

We all scream as we hear a dinosaur roar. We all back up together, holding up our weapons as we searched around for where the roar came from.

"C-could be a really big Compy, right?" Kenji said in a shaky voice. "Darius, didn't you say they were creepo skylarks?"

"I said they were crepuscular," Darius whispered.

A dinosaur suddenly ran out of the bushes, roaring at us. We all jumped back, running away as it chased us. I used the metal pole I had to bush past some leaves, looking behind at the dinosaur.

We continued running, taking a sharp turn. Kenji accidentally hit a tree, letting go of his butter knife. Not looking, Sammy tripped over Kenji. Darius jumped over the log to help her up just as the dinosaur ran toward us.

Kenji crawled back, staying behind as Darius, Brooklynn, and I stand ready to fight this thing. 

"Okay, come on!" Brooklynn shouted as she prepared herself.

[BEING REWRITTEN] Stuck With You (Ben Pincus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now