Chapter 1

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August 8th 2015

This was it. The first day of fourth grade Renesmee was excited to start fresh and make new friends. Victoria was waiting for her mother to park in the drop off area at the school so she could get out and walk to her class. Renesmee was sitting in her desk excitedly watching everyone else walk in and just then she sees a girl with jet black hair walk in and shes fascinated by her she looked so cool... so popular. Victoria walks over to Rens desk. "hi" she smiles. "hi" the brunette replies. "I'm victoria but you can call me Vickey if you want." she smiles sweetly "I'm Renesmee" she replies smiling "You can call me Ren" she adds. "Can i sit here?" she pointed at the seat beside Renesmee, she nods and continues to smile. "Of course." and Victoria sits down.

Christmas break
"But I don't want to move!" ren whines looking at her parents "To bad We're moving whether you like it or not." her mother replies. "But Vickey..." she says in barley a whisper looking down with a tear in her eye. "You can always visit or call each other Ren" Her father tells her and she nods going back to her room and lays down.

2 years later:

August 11th 2016

It was now rens first day of Sixth grade she'd been at her new school a little over a year and she has made new friends. Her and Victoria talk over the phone every now and then but it was clear they was growing apart but for some reason ren felt like they'd become closer again one day. months had passed and it was december. "Time flies" she thinks to her self. She was sitting at a picnic table with her new friends joking and laughing when it was time for them to leave "Bye guys" she says getting up and walking to the busses hearing a few "byes" and "see ya laters" when she got home her parents announced they was moving again. She didn't seem bothered she just went straight to her room not wanting to talk about anything or about having to move again.

(once again) 2 Years Later

November 8th 2018

Ren was walking to the gymnasium for some eighth grade assembly thing when she saw her she saw Victoria Alavania. Her best friend from fourth grade talking to one of Ren's new friends and she freezes looking at her "Vickey..?" she smiles and looks at her "Ren? Hi!" she smiles and hugs her "Hey its been a while" Ren says laughing softly hugging her back "Yeah it has." Victoria smiles back. "When did you move here?" Victoria asks looking at her continuing to walk. "middle of sixth grade year." she smiles. A few months pass and Ren and Vickey grew inseparable they hung out all the time and did everything together. "Hey Vickey?" Ren says one day looking at her a sudden sadness in her eyes. "Yeah whats wrong Ren?" She asks sitting up a little looking at her. "I have to move again." Vickey doesn't say anything she just stays silent. "I'm not moving till the end of the school year but after we graduate eighth grade i'm moving" she looks down a tear in her eye. Vickey looks around her room and at all the pictures of ren and herself. All the fun they've had in the span of a few months. She'd just got her best friend back she couldn't lose her again. "Ok but until then we're doing anything and everything possible so we can at least say we have memories. A smile creeps on ren's face her previous sadness suddenly gone.

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