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broken love - wayv


Interrupted by her coworker -that was ready to take her place- Kyung noticed Jeonghan who had his head resting on the table, eyes closed, and slow breathing. He even noticed as her goodbyes were rushed she gently got the man up, and they both left together. Kyung tilted his head at the oddness, even recognizing the disheveled man Chiasa practically clung to.

Sleep dusted his eyes, they barely opened as the two walked side-by-side. Although earlier she helped him and even convinced him- a slow nod being the confirmation- to just stay with her for the time being she still had to work. So she helped the few customers and stocked some shelves all the while she kept her eyes on him, worried he would flee once again.

Tired as well and expecting silence, his voice cutting through the air was just another surprise in the past two days.

"Why aren't you asking why I left?" He was intrigued by her even if a small amount. Even if his curiosity was a glint of light streaking through a mass of darkness, it still was unrecognizable compared to his anguish.

She hummed in thought, glancing around before answering honestly. "Many wouldn't consider it my business, I do as well."

Not wanting anything even if receiving was new to him. Jeonghan knew humans as selfish even in selfless acts, but Chiasa responded differently.

"Many are too curious to not ask though." His throat was already sore from the few sentences, but his communication only made her glad.

"I didn't say I wasn't curious." She looked at him for a moment. "But boundaries are important and I don't know you well anyways."

A small hum was all Jeonghan could respond with, more curious as her eyes twinkled from the moon, an amber color resembling marble streaks that painted her irises.

It was quiet, only their footsteps that pattered at the same melody.

"Jeonghan, are you not from around here?"

"What?" Thrown off guard, her question was not pushy nor judgemental but still, his natural response was of a question.

"It's a small town and it's hard not to notice that you don't necessarily look like the people from  around here?" She just shrugged, hoping she wasn't pushing too much.

"Yeah, I'm not from around here," He looked around. "What do you mean by not looking like the people here?"

"No one has dyed hair around here," She motioned to his blonde hair, she assumed it was dyed but it looking so natural which made her assume he must get it done frequently. "And not to be weird but, your features are much more angelic than anyone's around here."

Her honesty seemed to be a personality trait but her use of the word "angelic" only made his body ache, his demeanor becoming more stone-like with her words.

"Oh." Even dressed as a compliment Jeonghan couldn't get past the sorrows that reappeared harshly of his past, he cringed realizing for the whole day his life as an angel never came to mind.

His silence did make her uncomfortable. "I just mean you're handsome... my complimenting skills are probably not the best." She wasn't embarrassed but simplicity in response made her want him to say more, or at least say he understands.

fallin flower, yoon jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now