~ Chapter 9 ~

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Sumedh settled on right side while Mallika slept at left side...making a border of pillow

It was 6 am in morning when sumedh's phone rang...

With sleepy eyes he took the call...it was Basant

Sumedh : hello ?

Basant : sumi...they are selling those children today...come fast...

Sumedh: what???how...???you told its next week...

He got up quickly...

Basant: I don't know they suddenly changed their plans
...plz come fast...

He cuts the call

Sumedh to his left to see his wife sleeping peace...like a angel ...who doesn't seem to be yesterday night...

He got up from bed without making sound quickly took his cloths and went yo washroom ...when he came out ready...he found Mallika woke up...

Mallika : where are you going ?

Sumedh : none of your business...
He replied coldly...

And left...

Mallika : as if I care ...

She got up and got ready in traditional wears...as she can't handle saree...

as she can't handle saree

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Imagine Mallika *

She went downstairs

Found the hall empty ....she heads towards kitchen when maids greet her she smiled politely...

Then made a cup of coffee for herself and sat on the sofa scrolling her phone ...

Here sumedh meet Basant and headed towards to rescue those children..

They reached the place..it was a old mansion....broken....sumedh asked Basant to go from backside as he will go from front door...

As he stepped in ...

Some goons caught him..

He smirked...

Sumedh : hey guys...cool down...

Boy : what do you want??

Sumedh : your death...

And he got rigid of from their hold and punched that boy on his nose...

Again one came to attacked him within 4 mins all goons were lying on floor lifeless...

KING AND QUEEN MAFIA  😈 [COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now