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The raccoon sat alone on the grass, away from everyone he loved. "That stupid green bitch!" Tommy said to himself, tears quickly leaving his eyes. Being put into exile and hated by his 'best friend' was not what he planned to happen. He wanted be with everyone right now, just being hugged. It wasn't possible though, not anymore.

Dream walks over to him, lifting his head up with a diamond sword making sure Tommy was looking straight at him. "How you doing Innit?" Dream questioned, chuckling a bit. Tommy pushed the sword away slowly and looked the other way. That made Dream upset. He looked at Tommy closely.

"Listen Innit, you wont be doing shit to protect yourself because you know you can't. I'll be back tomorrow. Don't even think about doing anything." Dream said, laughing as he disappeared into the fog. Tommy sighed, looking at the grass.

He put his hand to the ground, picking flowers and weeds. "Why couldn't it be anyone else? It just had to be me." Tommy said to himself, complete disappointment in everything. He stood up, thinking of doing something Dream wouldn't like. Maybe he could escape. Maybe he could get himself free.

He didn't grab anything to bring, he was too scared that he wouldn't have time to get far enough. He started running some way. He didn't know where it would lead him. Maybe it would lead him to his death. Maybe it would lead him right back where he started. Could it maybe lead to exactly where he needs to be?

He ran, until he found himself in a familiar place. He recognized this place well, he just couldn't think of what is was. He ran farther, it was the next day by the time he got to where he now remembered. Dream definitely knew he was gone, as the sun has come up already. If Dream found him, he would be killed.

He started walking, due to his legs hurting. He soon saw tall towers, gates up ahead with a guard. He soon approached the gates, immediately recognizing the guard.

"SAM?!" Tommy yelled in shock, Sam quickly turning around. "Tommy..?" Sam questioned, thinking he was hallucinating for a second before hugging the raccoon, keeping him safe in his arms. "Come on Tommy, lets get you in here."

Sam led Tommy through Las Nevadas, showing him the towers, the gambling places, and last but not least, Quackity's office. Sam took Tommy to Quackity's office, knocking on the door. They soon heard "Come in!"

They entered the office, Quackity's eyes quickly widening. "Toms?" Quackity questioned. Tommy waved, smiling a bit. "Hey Quackity.." Tommy said. Tommy was scared he would be immediately banned from Las Nevadas, which would mean he would have to go back to Dream.

That isn't what happened though. Quackity was happy to see him. Quackity got up from his chair, running to Tommy and hugging him. "I'm so glad to see you Big Man!" Quackity said, backing away from Tommy.

Tommy smiled. "Uhm..is there anyone here that could..help me out around here?" Tommy asked. Quackity nodded quickly. "You know Purpled right? Thought you guys were close friends in uh...L'manberg." Quackity said. Tommy nodded slowly.

"He should be at *******. Go to the bar, he acts like a bartender there." Quackity said smiling. Tommy jumped out of happiness, quickly running to *******. He opened the door to be amazed quickly. Bright lights everywhere, seats, places to play poker and what not, and even...a stripper pole? Tommy shook the thought, focusing on finding the bar.

After a few minutes of wondering around, he found the bar, quickly rushing over to it. He saw the alien turned around facing the sink. It seemed he was cleaning cups. I tapped the counter, letting him know I wanted his attention. He didn't turn around.

"Listen random bitch, the place is closed.." Purpled said, turning around and saw me. He froze, tears swelling in his eyes and running down his face. "Hey Purpled.." I said, smiling softly at him. "GET YOUR ASS BEHIND THIS COUNTER AND GIVE ME A HUG YOU ASSHOLE!" Purpled yelled. I went behind the counter, hugging him, feeling him hug me back and cry on my shoulder.

"It's so nice to be able to hug you again." Purpled said, looking up at me. He wiped his eyes and started cleaning cups again. "So what brings you around here Toms?" Purpled asked. Tommy didn't know how to answer that. Dream was Purpled's brother after all. (Headcanon!) Tommy didn't want to ruin brotherhood. Purpled wanted truth though, so that's what Tommy will say.

"I got exiled. Dreams abusing me, so I ran away and ended up here. I'm lucky Quackity let me stay." Purpled chuckled, hanging up some rags and taking off his apron. Tommy looked at what Purpled was wearing, it definitely wasn't what Purpled usually wears.

It was a black button up shirt, a black belt, and some black pants. He was wearing dress shoes with the outfit. Tommy had to admit, Purpled looked pretty in that outfit. "Alright Tom, let's go back to my house so I can change out of this shitty outfit." Purpled said, smiling. Tommy nodded, mumbling something.

Purpled looked at him confused. "What was that Toms?" Tommy looked at him, slightly blushing. "You..look pretty in that outfit." Tommy admitted, looking away. Purpled blushed a bit, covering his face. "Thank you..I guess." Purpled said.

They walked to Purpled's house, Purpled unlocking the door and letting Tommy inside. Purpled went inside as well and closed the door behind him. They both heard steps and looked forward to see Dogchamp. Tommy played with Dogchamp as Purpled went to change into a hoodie and shorts.

Purpled walked to the living room to see Dogchamp sleeping next to Tommy, who was watching TV. Purpled sat on the other side of Tommy, Tommy leaned his head onto Purpled's shoulder. "Get your fucking head off me." Purpled said, making Tommy laugh.

"Then get me a pillow asshole." Tommy replied making Purpled angry. "Fine. Keep your damn head there." Tommy smiled, watching the TV again.

Purpled then thought of something. "Hey Toms, have you had a bath in the past couple days?" Tommy shook his head. "No, not really. I've been scared to with all the bruises and wounds I have." Purpled hummed in response. "After this episode is over, I'll run you a bath and I'll help you with your scars and hair."

A Savior // Platonic Purpledinnit //Where stories live. Discover now