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The episode was over and Purpled got Tommy to the bathroom. "How many wounds and scars do you have Toms?" Purpled asked, slightly worried for what he was gonna hear or see. Tommy lifted his shirt, his entire body covered in scars and wounds.

Purpled just stared for a second before telling Tommy to get in the tub. The alien covered his eyes, letting Tommy have privacy. When Tommy said it was okay, Purpled turned out to see Tommy in the tub, his knees brought up to his chest. It wasn't the most pleasant sight to see.

Making sure he had everything, Purpled got soap and put it on a rag. He got it slightly wet before gently rubbing Tommy's back with the rag. "Let me know if this hurts at any time, Alright?" Purpled says. Tommy nods slowly, him being the slightest bit dizzy.

It only took a couple minutes before Purpled moved to Tommy's hair. He put shampoo in Tommy's hair, scrubbing slightly hard to make sure that he's washing better. After he was done scrubbing, he let the shampoo sit for a bit.

"So Tom, how are you feeling right now?" Purpled asked quietly, to not wake Tommy if he was asleep. "I'm feeling...tired, but better." Tommy answered. That made Purpled smile, but he quickly put his focus on washing Tommy's hair again.

Purpled carefully washed Tommy's hair and let him sit in silence for a bit before Tommy spoke. "Are we done?" Purpled thought for a second, thinking if he missed anything. "If you want, then yes." Tommy slowly nodded. Purpled smiled, getting Tommy up and standing him there on the floor.

Purpled quickly closed his eyes, not wanting to make Tommy uncomfortable. "Tommy, do I have permission to change you so you don't have to?" "I guess..just make it quick please." Tommy said, and Purpled could tell he was uncomfortable. Purpled listened, uncovering his eyes and changing Tommy as quick as he could.

"I don't have..uh two beds..so you could sleep on the couch or uh..my bed. Usually Dogchamp sleeps on the couch, but I could have him move for you." Purpled said. Tommy didn't want to take away Dogchamp's bed, so Tommy agreed to sleep in Purpled's bed. Purpled gave a quick tour of his bedroom for Tommy and they quickly got in bed and went to sleep.

When they got up, it couldn't leave Tommy, nor Purpled's heads. The way they act so much like a couple, going to even sleeping with each other in the same bed. The way Purpled blushed every time he was with Tommy, the way Tommy blushed every time he was with Purpled, how could anyone not mistake that?

They haven't seen each other in years, yet there they are, acting like they've been with each other the entire time. In reality, Purpled & Tommy have been dating the entire time. Time passed so fast to the point they forgot. Maybe that's why everyone was saying they were together.

If they were, Purpled had the best idea. If they truly were together, only two people would truly be able to confirm it. That would be Purpled's mom, Puffy, and Punz, Purpled's brother. They both new that would be there only option to figure it out for sure. Either that, or going to Phil & Wilbur, but Tommys not on best terms with them.

They both went on their way, going to see Purpled's family. Purpled knocked on the door, waiting for the door to open. Puffy opened the door and hugged Purpled. "Ah, Purpled! It's nice to see you again Hon!" Puffy said delighted. Purpled sighed, hugging her back. "Hi mom.."

Puffy invited them inside and they accepted. Punz was sitting on the couch watching a show. He quickly looked over and say Tommy & Purpled sitting on the next couch. He got overprotective when he saw Tommy rest his head on Purpled's shoulder. He looked over at Tommy, giving him a death glare for a second before smiling.

"So little bro, how have you been?" Punz questioned. Purpled shrugged. "I don't know, Tommy & I wanted to ask a question though." Purpled sighed. Punz nodded, but called Puffy in the listen as well. "Tommy & I were wondering if we..have been in a relationship. Everyone has been talking about how we look 'cute' around each other." Purpled said, slightly angered. Tommy calmed him down by resting his head more onto Purpled's shoulder.

Puffy giggled and Punz laughed, both of them looking at each other. They look back at the two lovers. "Of course you guys have! You're literally dating!" Puffy said, catching her breathe from laughing. Purpled and Tommy were shocked. They looked at each other, blushing and looking away. Tommy screeched, embarrassed. Purpled covered his face.

"There is no way I'm dating this idiot!" Purpled said, pointing to Tommy. Tommy gasped dramatically, hitting Purpled lightly on the shoulder. Purpled looked at him. "Do you wanna go Raccoon bitch?!" Purpled challenged. Tommy nodded, accepting his challenge.

"Fight in the yard boys! I don't need anything broken." Puffy laughed, going back to the kitchen, cooking with Niki. Purpled opened the door, Tommy quickly pushing him into the grass and tackling him. "Get off you bitch!" Purpled yelled, pushing Tommy off of him. Purpled grabbed Tommy, pinning him to the ground.

Tommy screeched, realizing how close they were. Purpled blushed, but shook his head. If they were dating, it would be okay, right? Purpled leaned down, gently kissing Tommy. Tommy froze, but that quickly stopped as Tommy melted into the kiss, loving the attention. Purpled pulled away, smiling softly at him. Tommy looked at him, smiling back. "I hate you." Tommy said, laughing. Purpled fell back onto the grass laughing as well.

Puffy and Punz were looking out the window, Puffy smiling at the two boys in love. Punz was upset, but happy for his brother on the inside. Puffy looked at Punz, giggling. "Accept it Punz. Your brother is growing up, just let him be happy. He's young and finding himself." Punz nods, understanding. "I know Ma, I just don't want to accept that my brother is already in love." Puffy smiles, patting Punz's back. "I know Son, just don't be so rude to Tommy as well. He's been through things with your brother, Dream." Punz nods, knowing what she's talking about. "Alright Ma..I'll trust him this once."

Puffy looked towards the kitchen, smiling. "Niki! Come here!" Niki hears puffy, walking over to the window to see Purpled and Tommy playing around in the grass. "Awh, It's nice to see the two having fun again." Niki said, smiling brightly. Puffy and Punz nodded, watching the boys again.

Tommy was rolling in the grass, laughing and having fun. Purpled was sitting close by, watching his lover with a smile on his face. Purpled closed his eyes, dreaming of if the server was actually...nice. If the people weren't crazy, if the people could accept others, and if people let each other be them. He dreamed of Tommy and him, laying on the grass, staring at the sky, trying to find shapes in the clouds. Every couple seconds, Tommy screaming out that he found something making Purpled laugh.

He wished it was real. All he wanted at the moment was to be alone next to his lover in the sunlight, showing Tommy his care and love. Everything felt so real, he wanted it to be real. If only that dream could be real.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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