Chapter 1

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Each step I take further away from the boy I love sends an arrow directly into my already broken heart.

1 year earlier...

First day of being a junior at the same old school I've been for years, nothing special. Same bitchy girls who stare you down every time you walk past, same hormonal boys who chase any girl with a pulse, and same old me. Each year girl's would hope and pray that an attractive guy would come through the doors of Rossberg High School. Nearly every girl would go shopping over summer break to find the perfect outfit. I honestly couldn't be bothered to dress up, I chucked my trusty jeans and black shirt on with a pair of converse. I said goodbye to my brother and walked out the door.

Once again the bus was late and I arrived at school with only ten minutes to spare. I ran to homeroom and sat down. To no surprise every girl seated were in skirts and tops from the latest fashion designer. I looked down at my outfit and laughed, I even had some Nutella on my shirt left over from breakfast. I think I'm the real fashionista here, if I do say so myself. During this time I hadn't noticed but the whole room was silent, I looked up to find a very attractive male standing above me and I mean very. Everybody had turned to face me.

"Sorry, what?" I asked staring at the boy with beautiful blue eyes. He chuckled, "I said, is this seat taken?" he asked gesturing to the desk and seat beside me.

"Uh, no?" I say as he smiles. He throws his backpack on the floor and slumps into the chair next to me.

Suddenly, Mr Tran storms into the classroom.

"Class, Good morning I am Mr Tran." He says before writing his name across the whiteboard. He begins to talk about his trip to Hawaii and how he went in a submarine, when I hear a voice beside me.

"Hey, hey you." I turn to my right and see the boy smiling at me.

"Hi," I say before looking back towards Mr Tran, I was actually quite interested. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, I've heard the beaches are quite magnificent.

"Hey, Isaac" I'm snapped out of my daydream of the beautiful beaches of Hawaii by Mr Tran yelling. "Quit talking."

"Sorry Sir, I was just trying to find out this pretty girls name." I look beside me to find the attractive boy smiling at me. His name must be Isaac. The girls in the room turned to glare at me, I haven't got this much attention since the Lucy incident.

"Her name is Maddy" I hear a familiar voice as someone storms in, "and I'm Tori." My best friend Tori, always late. She is actually one of the most popular girls in school well because she's fucking gorgeous and because she's literally a billionaire. Her dad's a famous race car driver and her mom's a famous designer from Paris. She smiles at me and her mouth drops open when she sees the boy beside me.

"Thanks for that Tori, but I am pretty sure Madison is quite capable of telling someone her own name." he says, "now take a seat, you are late." He turns back towards the class and finishes talking about Hawaii. Tori sits down in the chair to my left and begins telling me in full detail about her trip back to Paris to visit her family. Mr Tran didn't even look at Tori once to tell her to stop talking. Apparently, Tori had met a very attractive French man while in Paris and he is coming to visit her in November.

Since it was the first day of the school year, we had homeroom until 1st break at 11. So that's two hours listening to Tori talk about how amazing Acel her new French toy is and as much as I love Tori she talks way too much for her own good. Honestly, I don't know why she is friends with me. She's rich, popular, gorgeous and well I'm far from it. So many people want to be her friend, she wears the best clothes, always has the latest technology and her house is the size of our school. Not to mention she gets invited to some of the biggest parties in New York City because of her parents. I never understood why her parents decided to live here in Rossberg when they could literally afford to live anywhere in the world they desired. The only reason we became friends was because our Dads were absolute best friends in college and have been ever since.

Finally it was 11 and Mr Tran let us out for lunch, well first lunch. I start walking towards my locker when I hear someone calling my name. I turn around to see Isaac standing behind me.

"Hi, I'm Isaac." He says holding out his hand.

"I know," I laugh shaking his hand, "I'm Maddy."

"I know" he says. His eyes stay fixed on mine as people are walking around us.

"Hi, I'm Lucy." A chirpy voice says and stands in front of me. Great.

"Isaac," he replies smiling. Argh, don't smile at that bitch.

"Well Isaac, why don't I show you around?" she asks twirling her fingers through her hair.

"Umm, sounds like fun." He replies shyly. Her face brightens linking arms with Isaac. They begin walking away when Isaac turns his head towards me.

"See you around Maddy." He smiles.

Tori comes running beside me as I walk to the cafeteria.

"Hey, I saw you talking to Isaac where'd he go?" she smiles. By the look on my face she knows exactly what happened. "THAT BITCH" she yells catching the attention from a few people around us. We grab our food and sit at our usual table, although Tori is one of the most popular people in our school it is always only us two sitting at our table; One, because we sit at a four seated table and put our bags on the other seats, and two, because nearly everyone in the school hates me because of fucking Lucy.

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